For me, the pop cultural touchstone that originally put me off but later sucked me in, was The AV Club.
i want to say, “racist”
to hell with the children. after a lifetime of teaching and attentive parenting, i gotta say, the kids that ‘get it’ on their own (whatever ‘it’ is), can run with it. Everybody else, even when explained, ‘it’ is beyond them. It’s just sad for them to be in the Dumb-Dumb Group, when with a little help they can…
I just started grad school, so my time in the comments section will unfortunately be more limited than usual this season.
In this life, we are all born, we live, suffer some, and die.
Shkreli, this guy was heedless of the suffering of others. Evil.
Would he cause more such suffering in the future? Likely.
eh, he said you were correct in your guess, be less churly
“Keep your eyes on the road!”
“ see a road, i see time stretching out before us. I see two lights on the grey ashphalt before me, i see the illusion of solidity of the dashed line passing below us. I can move the car so that the line seems to pass between us- see, it is like the perforations of a square of toilet…
i’m hoping Rey is Palpatine’s grandkid. That the Force Sensitivity comes from a weekend the Emperor and Thrawn spent on Risa* or some other story squeezed from a stack of ripe fanfic fruit
i’m hoping Rey is Wedge’s kid. That the Force Sensitivity comes from a weekend Wedge and Luke spent on Risa* or some other story squeezed from a stack of ripe fanfic fruit
i’m hoping Rey is Wedge’s kid. That the Force Sensitivity comes from a weekend Wedge and Luke spent on Risa* or some other story squeezed from a stack of ripe fanfic fruit
It’s now been about three hours, and Dan Savage has seven comments. Not to worry, this would happen all the time when i was in college.
Saying “Chinese eat dogs” is like saying “Americans are assholes”. The “all” or”some” are omitted, and either is selectively understood.
Understood, American?
what are you, Bravo? Asking for a friend.
No the racism is lumping everybody as a single lump because they’re not important enough to separate into human individuals. “Close enough!”
may i eat these crickets?
so, you’re saying that in the United States, people eat dogs?
i’d better not bring my dog to the US, then
Cows are also very intelligent, when not raised for meat. Go to north India and befriend a cow, they’re smart enough to open gates with their horns.
Crows can bend wires into hooks, and use them as tools, and hide them for later use. And they’re not even domesticated; this opens the door to the idea that intelligence…
Some Snakehandlers are Americans; all Snakehandlers worldwide are Americans; therefore i can say with assurance that “Americans are Snakehandlers, just as the Chinese eat dog”.