Random Monk

Given the uproar when Oprah dissed beef, and given that 99% of America eats beef, and “hamburger” being the de facto All-American Meal (with chili con carne as a close second), i would say that hyeeah, eating beef is absolutely an American Characteristic.

In China, it’s not common to find dog in the market. Sometimes,

Well, i’d bet about 99% of Americans eat beef, but less than 1% of Chinese people eat dog, so yeah, same!

the racism is in the viewing all members of an ostensible ‘race’ as inherently sharing in characteristics of a minority of them, and then reducing them all to this action. To assume that the actions of a minority represent the totality bespeaks -at the least- a deap-seated naivete.

White Americans eat possum and grits. Not a lie. Not racist.

[links to article about a community of Americans who eat possum and grits once a week as proof that Americans eat possum and grits]

Also, there are American prostitutes. Therefore, Americans are prostitutes. Not a lie. Not racist.

he’s over here:

another laugh at a stranger in a 12-step program? classy.

Avocado, duh.

it was imporved

ha, “Berkeley”, zing

yeah, i saw an ad for an alt-right walk to coincide with the juggalo do, because of the overlapping memberships, so im not sure.

I suppose, it’s no huge crisis if 15 minutes pass and nobody has commented on a Dan Savage column. It would happen all the time when i was a kid.

wasnt comparing. Not saying theres a good alternative. But the media wants to perpetuate a world where it exists, can function. Sucking up to the president who hates them fits this.

how about, MSM is whoever is popular enough to survive off ad revenue.

In the winter, on the bus, five teenaged boys eating Doritos, i can smell the Doritos on their breath as they talk to each other, i hate, i hate.

the MSM has 2 goals:
#1 to profit in the present
#2 to profit in the future

if its sucking up to the govt, its for #1 or #2

I feel pretty much the same about 9/11 as i do about any preventable loss of Human life, regardless of the perpetrators. It’s horrible, of course. But —from an outside point of view— do you guys have any idea how tunnel-minded you guys seem? In the interim, you’ve cause three times the deathcount in civilians in