
Alternate headline: “BMW Strides Boldly Into 2011"

Until they make EV platforms from scratch, it’s hard to say they are being serious. A hybrid platform that happens to also be available as an EV platform just means compromises for the EV version.

Production lines are production lines, I used to work for enterprise quite often we’d get little bonus upgrades on spec that we didn’t pay for (sunroofs, parking sensors larger wheels etc) because they already had the line set up and running for that. No one buys strippers so when you think about it they’re probably

I think the incentives are a way to counter the market lock in already in place for ICE vehicles. That is, breaking the cycle of people buy ICE cars because infrastructure is centered on them/infrastructure is centered on them because people always bought ICE cars.

Please be safe. Do not bring weapons. Do bring water. And a first aid kit. Help your neighbors. Remember that most of the cops out there right now are trying to keep the peace and protect the city. Don’t give the bad ones an excuse.

The current global child fertility rate is just below 2.5 children per woman. Overpopulation is a red herring. The real problem is that a small fraction of the people are consuming most of the resources. 

I like how this device idea from 1918 uses an ear piece. I cannot understand why people do not get that the annoying feedback and robot sounds from video chats are due to them not using headphones.

Which would be a problem if they were all recharged during peak hours. Most people will charge overnight at home, when there is spare capacity on the grid.

Have a screen for the speedometer and turn it into a backup camera when reversing. No need for a speedometer in reverse.

hell put it on the ceiling then i guess.

Default urban speed limit in most of Europe.

She was thinking she’s an adult and should be able to do what she likes in her personal time.
She was also thinking she had bills to pay.

Yeah man, got to make sure technicians aren’t *checks notes* making a side income in a completely unrelated field.

J. Clarkson, Inter-planetary Exploration Device Maintenance Engineer.

My thought is that consumers need to be trained. If they learn to plug-in sometimes, and love with it, they will be more likely to go full EV for the next car.

Children are dying of preventable illness in U.S. concentration camps--at least six (that we know of) since Trump took office. Zero children died in U.S. custody in the 10 years before that.

I guarantee you there’s far fewer deaths in our “concentration camps” than would have other wised perished under the care of their “parents”. 

It isn’t reasonably green, in class or not.

It’s a huge barge with 500 hp, it is dumb, wasteful and would not exist in a better civilization. 

No, but they did forget to cancel the ‘nice leisurely pace’ of work though, along with the rest of France.