
They have learned since.

It is easy:

This site could still be a success if you had not fallen into the Tesla bashing rabbit hole.

Watch the stream.

Pressure vessel is made from five different pieces.

Even a piece of tin foil will just stay as it is under that pressure. You can try it out. Pretty sure you have some tin foil close by.

You are only seeing the all the external stuff, from outside of the pressure vessel. The pressure vessel itself is gone (carbon fiber stuff). I can see the solid steel rings that were used to bolt the tube to the titanium end caps, and the tubular (is it called tubular if it is square tubes?) steel skid is intact. I

Annual car sales is somewhere between 60 and 80 million.

And even though all you Jalopnik readers would NEVER buy a Tesla, Model Y is still the currently best selling car, IN THE WORLD.

That is the thing, offerings that compete (on price) with Tesla 3 and Y, are not that amazing.

Amazed? Nice weather and a 20 year old well tested rocket.


Who uses these small jugs of oil?

Always wondered about this.

Having spend years, stamping, bending and spot welding many different stainless steel grades, I highly recommend you ramp up your source critique.

Honestly not sure what you mean.

2% of global car sales in 2022 is a niche manufacturer to you?

Tesla basically only had 2 models on sale during 2022.

Tesla sales:

I think it may use the Mercedes, single viper trick. Is it any good? Did it have issues on the Mercedes?