Hello, Person Who For Some Inexplicable Reason Decided To Register An Account Just For That: It was a tragedy, objectively.
Hate to be an asshole, but yea, you definitely aren’t a physics expert.
It’s not pressure than causes problems, it’s pressure differences. Any pieces that blew off suddenly had the same pressure on all sides, and no longer had large forces acting on it.
Some things in this story don’t make sense to me.
Agreed 100%.
I don’t know what’s changed in 2022, but I love my ‘16. It’s my first “old man” vehicle. It’s not very pretty, but can handle pretty much anything I’ve thrown at it. Hauling firewood and rocks, plowing snow, the occasional mud run. It runs nice ‘n quiet, isn’t a complete turd in the speed department, and my cat digs…
I’m really stoked on this one. People used to say that Porsche “could never make an electric car that feels like a Porsche!” but it turns out... *Taycan.*
Electric drivetrains evoke simplicity far more than an ICE ever could.
Will we look back at parallel hybrids like we look back at electronically controlled carburetors?
I used to do work like this. we had a guy at the docks that would call when a container ship full of TV/VCR combos would come in, he would tell me what truck and what highway it was on
Look, I’ve been through some shit lately. I deserve a big cool Lego set more than any snot-nosed kid does, is all I’m saying.
Going ~621,000 miles on the last battery pack is fairly impressive, if you ask me, and shows the evolution of Tesla’s battery pack as they get more long-term data back.
The Mootrix?
It was right there . . .
Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.
It was Granddad. But yeah, who knows. Maybe he’s just from another time when we used to trust people
Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.
Fuck it. I NP’d it too. If it’s cheap enough I’d buy and drive anything.
I never quite understood all the hate. These aren’t great cars but lots of perfectly serviceable cars aren’t great. In a world filled with anonymous, look-alike crossovers and SUVs in fifty shades of gray, the PT Cruiser’s cartoonish looks at least dared to be different. And the drop-top ramps up the cartoonish to…