

This is why fucking goddamn security people here in Canada aren’t allowed to carry guns or tasers even, they aren’t even technically allowed to use force unless they are attacked. Security guards here exist only to be watchmen who CALL THE POLICE when someone is tresspassing, they have no legal authority to make

I am thankful that Officer Gaston was well-trained, highly disciplined, and level headed. I think most of us in this situation would not been able to keep their composure and someone would have ended up dead. I wish all officers had his professionalism. Think about how many situation would have been de-escalated

You know, it is nuts. Everyone says “low profile tires are required for performance!” Well, not all performance cars have low profile tires. (admittedly, these tire profiles are mandated, but you can’t tell me that your Hyundai with 1" high sideways can outperform this vehicle with the fat sidewalls).

So say we all.

Actually, as long as pieces haven’t rusted completely off, it will have gained weight due to the added oxygen atoms (from oxidation/rust).

I haven’t washed any of my cars since 2016, so... No.

Fuck, yeah. They’d find me on the flight deck, sitting in the captain’s seat making prop plane noises and surrounded by empty mini bottles. My first words to the rescuers [maintenance folks] would either be “I’ll never get over Macho Grande.” or “Surely, you can’t be serious.”

“Maybe Air Canada can look into compensating for some therapy.”

That sounds like a pile of shit to me.

So...there’s a whole big catch to where exactly this aircraft was: the definition of airspace. By typical international standard the measure is 12 nautical miles from the shore of a country, however, in the past Iran has claimed the entire Strait of Hormuz belongs to them. Moreover, even if they stuck to the

I’m still waiting for anyone to explain why the US is “investigating” or really doing anything in relation to the tanker attacks, as they were both non-US ships attacked by non-US assailants in a non-US territory.

Imagine a car mechanic gets conked on the head and wakes up in the year 1889 and has to tell someone the basic principles behind his usual work day. Those people would take one look at him and say “Wow, you must be some sort of scientist!”

Seems like a normal landing to me. Not sure why it would make you nauseous.

It’s not about what people can or cannot remember. It’s about what’s most intuitive. Is it more intuitive that water freezes at zero or that water freezes at 32?

Man I think I have another breakthrough on top of that... imagine the trucks didn’t have rubber wheels, but steel conical ones that would run on tracks! That way they don’t even have to turn! Paths can be “programmed” in by building the tracks to go in specific directions - obfuscated behind a neural network of

Was there any investigation of the whole beheading thing? It doesn’t look like the head separated due to decomposition or scavengers, since it’s in such good condition. And the body wasn’t found with the head. Maybe some kind of ritual of a paleolithic culture?  Does the separation show evidence of tool use?

they are missing...which explains her feet, at least.

Resident surgeon here. It’s a bit more complex than that.

Well, they are always naked and have sex in public. So, I guess they don’t need internet porn.