
As a married man I too have a body ‘Which is Not Today on the Market’. What I’m getting at is this is not always a good thing.

It’s almost as if people like you live on another planet.

Before the EPA was given more authority, it was more common to have portable toilets that were essentially saltwater aquariums, with hunks of living coral, sea cucumbers, cleaner shrimp and moray eels.  Unfortunately, due to environmental regulations in the late 1970s, these were phased out in favor of something that

“just practical enough to justify its $15,500 anticipated list price”

I’m actually happy that hardware makers have started offering parts that don’t follow the “Extreme Gamerz here!” look while still looking nice.

Which is why you negotiate out the door pricing.  They can decide what bucket they want to put their profits into as long as they meet the price I think is fair.

Yay! A second location for Denisovan remains!

And if one of these has a decent sided moon it’ll wobble like a soap bubble. You think Earth has tides! Not that you’d notice as you were floating on the surface, it since you’ve got no land to compare to.

When do we reach peak streaming?

Not quite sure where you are getting this from. The air bubbles are completely enclosed within the ice and not sampled until the ice is transported back to the various labs doing the analysis. So, the vehicles could be as polluting as they wanted to be (not that they are) and the analytical results from the ice would

In the world of automotive toys, $55oo isn’t much ask.  This is crazy enough I’d say it’s a fair price.  Fly your freak flag high, give zero fucks, and NP. 

Vests are great to keep warm whenever thicker sleeves just get in the way.

May wanna re-read the article.

Yup, just piss poor driving.

This is just like the modular cell phone, the one foretold by that people who have no idea how high speed data and clock lines work.

Lay off the guy. I still think 2005 was “a few years ago”.

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.

With the exception of Apple -who should lose all environmental credibility for their insistance on only using their own proprietary cables- USB really has become the perfect universal standard. You really can plug anything into anything and reasonably expect it to work with out any additional thought.

Welcome to the rest of your life. Live a healthy lifestyle and hope for the best. That’s all you can do.

To be fair the video was made in the vein of all the incredibly rude and inconsiderate behavior of many NJ Transit riders in combination with awful and inconsistent service. See twitter feed FuckNJTransit for more.