
You always need at least one nation to turn itself into a prehistoric footnote of history to show the rest of the class how not to do things. :)

Now playing

Hate on T3 all you want, but that crane chase scene makes me want to forgive all its other shortcomings. I have to think this is the most destructive chase scene ever. It is glorious.

A lot of factors combined here.

Newer cars are more reliable, hands down. They require maintenance, and you can’t fix a ton on your own, unless you have a specific skill set, and you’re rarely going to be able to fix it on the side of the road with duct tape and spit.

Compliments of McMike:

I mean, of all the women $kay posted, I’d probably have the most fun on a date with her. Imagine the conversation!

If we’re honest, the records haven’t been broken because nobody has bothered to try. Satellites killed the Blackbird as well as any and all heirs to the throne.

Skunk Works should be required reading in the US public school system.

There is an annoyance with some content being disallowed on platforms, things like military history and general firearms and shooting sport content is more restricted than it needs to be. But crap like this is exactly where the line should be.

The car has a wood frame...

Thank you for the correction! I’ve been confused about what I’ve been driving for 4 years now. Damn.

Oh that’s me to! I had a pallet of flooring in my Raptor just yesterday.

Former Range Rover owner here :) - I took mine off-roading exactly three times.. in four years... At Range Rover-sponsored off road events that the dealership was kind enough to invite me to. I suspect I would be considered a heavy off-road user.

Probably about the same amount as people who buy a new pickup and actually put something in the bed.

Seriously? I have never wanted to soak strangers with disgusting street water.

If you don’t own a good tripod, you shouldn’t own this camera.

Ok, lay off Elon on this one. Sure, maybe his idea didn’t work. But the guy’s company designed and built a working prototype to solve a real problem and save lives in a matter of hours.

That’s pretty awesome and he deserves lot’s of credit for trying. Imagine if all of the other rich people in the world did that for

Don’t you mean Team Thai Navy Seals, who combine forces with volunteer experts from around the world?

I see 9 examples of one car: