
Guess I will to choose between it and the flying car then.

So basically, they are recording contents freely available.

About time.

I does not matter, they will all be BABC (between axles, battery center) very soon.

What I do not get it that you for some reason see this as a negative thing.

How to prevent a power outage:

These guys took a lot of risk for a limited salary.

it has exhaust pipes, which makes this irrelevant.

My car has seat belt holsters as well. Very useful.

Just to be absolutely clear, the rules regarding carrying a gun are quite simple in a civilized country.


Quote from Iron Sky movie: “A wartime president has never lost an election

Turn in, level out and land.

As an outside observer with a close daily contact with US citizens, it is clear that you electing agent orange and you using imperial units are symptoms of the same illness.

No, not necessarily. Depends on how she got the gold.

Going on headline alone (did not read article)

“Considered” is the key word in “generally considered more secure”.

Jokes aside, you are actually on the right track here, no pun intended. The missing part is a sideways loading system of containers for the last mile(s).

“This Dutchman” is sufficient.

Now playing

You are just being silly, all this digitization makes no sense at all.