
Neanderthals never got as far north as Siberia. They never mastered layered clothing required for this and permafrost is required for this level of preservation.

Hi Alex and everyone else for that matter.

I remember having used Winamp for 4 years when Itunes appeared.


Something odd about the proportions. It has the appearance of front engine rear wheel drive from some angles.

FYI. You cannot fix pancreatic cancer. You cannot cut, chemo or transplant your way out of it when you are past a certain stage. Go to cancer.org and read for yourself.

Just to be clear. Nearly no one survives pancreatic cancer unless they are being monitored for something else and they find the cancer at a VERY early stage.

What is stopping an onlooker from knocking over the delivery man, taking the package and raiding the cargo in the open AV before running off? 

Your personal reality distortion field is very well developed.

In other news:

No, and my reason is this analogy:

Fast chargers at grocery stores and shopping areas in general.

Did this ever happen? If yes pictures! If no, do reconsider.

Outboard engine. Look up briggs stratton flyer.

Not sure if kidding or just a complete idiot (not in general, just right here, right now)

Headphones/earplugs can be had for 1 USD and up.

We will not have autonomous cars in this century.

My company replaces, all, including the high spec Precision models every 3 years and due to company policy they are trashed as in “destroyed”. I managed to convince the team to only destroy the drives as they are being replaced with SSDs when they are switched to personal use anyways. The latest obsolete models do

If mouthpiece = willingly paying and working 80+ hours weekly, then yes you are correct.

I know it is not a popular opinion in here, but the reason that no one is developing new ICEngines is pretty clear. Mazda is far behind in this game btw.