Random Guy

Not all heroes wear capes.

Never ever sing “and many more”

So, people aren’t allowed to work hard and then have a different quality of life?

Are you really picking a fight with a stranger over his valid, benign questions about a phone app?

These days every lifehacker article is a dumb article. I’m struggling to remember the last time I saw a piece of advice on here that genuinely even qualified as a life hack. Even if you drop that requirement, the advice they give is evenly split between objectively wrong and so fucking vapid that the most basic bitch

“ if I work up the courage and energy to do so”? WTF?

How is expecting the people whose job it is to scoop things to scoop those things mistreating them? It’s not more work for them. It might be a bit slower, but the only person that inconveniences is the person behind you in line.

I don’t carry cash as a general rule, because I like having the plausible deniability of being able to tell some feral that’s probably got its hand practically in my pocket that “sorry, I don’t have any money.”

Fussy is just a nice way of saying you are a pain in the ass. Pain in the ass too eat with and a pain in the ass to serve. So there you go. you pain in the ass

ok but can we talk about chicken at restaurants? i only order chicken if its like wings or tenders. you cant tell me that a roast chicken is better than steak or lobster or halibut. chicken is always the loser. when i’m out with people and they order a chicken dish that isn’t fried somehow.....i seriously question why

The easiest solution is simply to be asocial.

I dont’ care until you inconvenience ME.

Why is a dopp kit called a “dopp” kit. That word bugs the hell out of me because it sounds like it’s made up and trying to be cool, like it comes from the word “dapper” or something. Or like a “dallop” of hair gel...

I’m glad that there is a bit of a backlash against the hegemony of ipa beers. I like some of them, but brewers in the US are ignoring an entire world of beers by focusing all their efforts on ipas. After a while they all start to blend together, with nary a mention for other beers.

On the other hand, sours are delicious, and IPAs feel like someone is trying to shove a kilogram of actual hops directly into my mouth.

That, and the fact that all the Clinton sycophants simply couldn’t ever (and still can’t, by the looks of the comments that STILL get posted a year later) recognize the reality that she was never, ever, ever, ever going to win...ever. I woke up the day after the election, saw Trump won (which was obvious to anyone

free booze. how hard is this?

As the owner of over ten thousand books that I’ve had to haul around for decades, I adore my Kindle.

It’s sad that we need to be taught how to properly interact with others. It seems like common sense isn’t so common anymore. (coughs dust) :P

The problem is with you, not the games. They didn’t get boring, you changed.