
I'm really itching for a table saw... If you're nervous about your hands, there are guards specifically designed for that. The guy uses them in the video above. I highly recommend them.

Yeah, blue ports universally signify USB 3.0

That is a great design. I wonder if this is the excuse I need to buy a router... :)

^- this!

I'm sorry, but this is a dumb idea. Those shields are not expensive, and this just sounds all kinds of dangerous.

By default, Raspbian boots with an entire desktop GUI. I know people that have done an entire media center with the older B+, and while it was a bit sluggish, it did work fairly well. The RPI 2 B+ should work fairly well.

The only difference between AA, AAA, C, and D batteries is the total capacity. They all output the exact same level of power.

DOCX is Microsoft's proprietary formats, but there's a lot of inconsistencies based on how they documented the standards and how they actually implemented such standards.

I for one never got tired of those. If any situation called for it, this one certainly does! :P

huh, looks like the first time I was getting a different error page... it works now...

Doesn't work on my MotoX running Android 4.4

I think there's a typo here...

On Evernote? I wouldn't really consider it powerful enough for the task. You can't easily arrange or modify the TOC, or anything like that... So again, why not just use the search functionality?

I've never really understood what the table of contents feature is actually good for. If you're "using Evernote correctly", you should have everything tagged and sorted into various notebooks. At that point, how could a TOC be anywhere near as fast as the search feature?

It takes a few months for the extract to sit, but it's way better thsn store bought.

I was saying the fact that you're so drunk you're physically unable to rape someone is a reasonable defense. Not a lack of intent. Which is what I thought was the defendant's original argument.


Agreed. Like I said, his argument is shit, but the idea behind the argument is sound.

He's not arguing that it's okay because he was drunk, but that at the time he was too drunk to have been able to commit the crime. Mostly likely it's a complete pile of bull shit, but it's a reasonable defense strategy.

No one is claiming that it's okay because he was drunk. He's saying that he was too drunk to rape someone, and it's a reasonable defense. That's why prosecutors are trying to disprove it.