
Tip the guy that collects the trash!? Why? I’ve never said two words to the person/people who do that. I’ve honestly only even seen them a small handful of times.

That’s not always true though. I had to take my wife to the doctor for a 104F degree fever a couple Sundays ago. Sure, urgent care would have been good enough, but it was a Sunday afternoon and no urgent care near me was open. I easily had enough time to go to the hospital in the next town, or even the one after that,

They probably think that $10 an hour is better than $0 an hour.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the dog owners paid a whole lot of $0 for this. It was done through a university. Stuff like this is insanely valuable not for what it did for the dog, but what it will do for people in the future.

How do you figure that the median net worth of an American household is over 90k? The vast majority of americans are up to their eye balls in debt. There’s no way that 90k figure is true if accounting for student loans, car debt, and mortgage debt.

All precedent says that both the person who takes the photos, and the people who distribute them can be hit with child porn charges. 

In what world does a whiskey sour only have two ingredients? Whiskey, egg white, simple syrup, lemon, and bitters adds up to 5 ingredients last I made it...

You need to really consider your workflow if you’re looking at a hybrid hard drive. For a standard office worker, they can actually be quite nice. As far as cost to benefits go, they can be a great choice.

My city banned plastic bags a few years ago. If you use a bag, it’s rung up like any other item for the $0.05 tax. Many stores around here will give you a tiny discount for bringing your own bag $0.06 per bag (typically).

I haven’t heard of any complaints from the stores or workers around here.

Sometimes a perfectly parented kid will have a tantrum; that’s just part of human development. If that happens in public vs the home is something that parents really don’t have control over. Part of good parenting is allowing these tantrums to happen and let the child learn that they don’t get what they want because

100% no.

Yeah, those were the “hacking tools”. :P

My Mom used the same Sonicare toothbrush (with a rechargeable battery) for over a decade... How does constantly changing out the battery source possibly produce less e-waste than using the same one for that long?

My Mom used the same Sonicare toothbrush (with a rechargeable battery) for over a decade... How does constantly

Yeah, hating giant autoplay videos all over the gawker network is totally entitled.

This doesn’t necessarily appear to be an unethical move to me. They clearly have a finite amount of R&D funds available to them.

A large portion of fancier Christmas ornaments also have a foil portion which is magnetic. Something like these magnets glued to a board can help get up a lot of the fine pieces too.

Oh, most definitely. They’re not long for this world :)

Nope. Trees sold for this purpose have met their fate through a chain saw, typically.

They use a PIN number

It’s a really commonly done on subreddits for specific services/software. YNAB for example has a monthly referral link thread where people post their links.