
In my Utopia, I would pay $50 per month. Some middle man can distribute that $50 based on what I actually watched. I can only watch one thing at a time and there’s only so many minutes in a month. Let the streamers with worthwhile content (and not a giant catalog of garbage) get the dollars.
I hate paying for multiple

I thought I had a dangerous job until I just read that someone had to inspect a live cougar’s scrotum

This doesn’t sound that nefarious, more likely he just had his personal phone tied to their MDM, and some flunkie just wiped it like they would for any corporate device that was listed for an employee who was being shown the door.   That kind of stuff happens all the time..

I’m all for child safety, but I have a hard time reconciling keeping a kid in the backseat until they’re 13 and then expecting them to be mature enough just three years later to drive that same car. I have no answer to this conundrum. Do we increase the driving age to 18? Do we rethink front seat safety to protect

It’s only worthy of praise because console manufacturers have put load times so low on their priority list that any improvement will seem like a wondrous miracle. Load times for games on consoles are inexcusably long, given the options for storage that are available, and no efforts to improve things have been made

The vehicle’s exterior was heavily calcified and was obviously in the water for a significant amount of time.

Why are we shouting that Tesla “let” the driver do anything? Is the licensing process for operating these machines that meaningless now? As someone licensed for the privilege to drive cars on public roads (yes, it’s a privilege and should be regarded as such) everyone should be fully aware of their responsibilities

more or less have always done 1:1 and, voila, delightful taste without having to drench your food

Thank you for saying that out loud.  I agree. 

What a terribly depressing idea. I mean, if you’re going to be sad give yourself permission to do so, but why force it? 

In many ways, Wave was ahead of its time.  It proved a lot of concepts were viable, it just didn’t succeed at making them appealing.  

I was on the Wave beta testing program, and I remember well the feeling of awe when I first started using it. Real-time collaboration wasn’t anywhere near where it is today, and there were no tools to organize the hellscape email was at the time - it still is, but now we have tools to help us navigate it.

While I agree

Also— why the fuck are you going straight to a volvo or a Merc?

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:

Please pardon my rudeness, but:

Just. Friggin. Loved. That.

You take your shoes off in a movie theatre?

Some people are just stupid. Burns are the price they pay for their shortage of brain cells

I had no idea that this was such an issue. Homeless people are homeless. I don’t think they asked for such an “experience.”

But we do call felons felons, liars, liars, welders welders, plumbers plumbers, roofers roofers, dancers dancers, voters voters, commuters commuters, workers workers.

Calling someone homeless is well in line with the historical and modern usage of the english language.