
I’m all for child safety, but I have a hard time reconciling keeping a kid in the backseat until they’re 13 and then expecting them to be mature enough just three years later to drive that same car. I have no answer to this conundrum. Do we increase the driving age to 18? Do we rethink front seat safety to protect

Why are we shouting that Tesla “let” the driver do anything? Is the licensing process for operating these machines that meaningless now? As someone licensed for the privilege to drive cars on public roads (yes, it’s a privilege and should be regarded as such) everyone should be fully aware of their responsibilities

more or less have always done 1:1 and, voila, delightful taste without having to drench your food

Thank you for saying that out loud.  I agree. 

What a terribly depressing idea. I mean, if you’re going to be sad give yourself permission to do so, but why force it? 

Also— why the fuck are you going straight to a volvo or a Merc?

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:

Please pardon my rudeness, but:

I would think somebody who types for a living would be able to use touch typing. 

At this rate, I’ll be hanging onto my truck until I die.

I was so tickled by this animal that I said out loud in an Australian accent, “Awwwwwww, what’s up Knickers?” and now HR wants to speak with me.

So this then is the Sip of Theseus.

How about the principle of parking correctly and not getting tickets in the first place?

This pisses me off in a kind of unexpected way. The entire point of art is to evoke an emotional reaction. To take you on a journey. To immerse you. Who gives a fuck if the dog dies? It’s FICTION. It’s not a real dog and they don’t actually kill a dog to depict a dog dying. There’s a reason that being told about a

What you wrote:

SpaceSniffer... Super simple graphic interface that lets you drill down as you see fit. Also updates in real time to reflect things as you delete/move items. Best of all its free and tiny.

But a good way to get back on your feet is to miss two car payments.

Dude. I’m a sex educator. Like, professionally.

Wow, clearly I hit a nerve with you... sorry about your issues.

I think it’s ridiculous for them in the video to say that having an STD isn’t a big deal. I’m not saying that everyone who contracts an STD is a bad person or anything, but it’s a pretty big deal... at least the ones that cannot be cured.