
I say we go with mathematics. Transgendered people are a subset of the set that includes all people. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but how can you take offense at that? :-P

I know someone who is from a quadruplet, made of two sets of twins. Him and his brother came from a single fertilized egg, and his two sisters came from another, separate fertilized egg. According to his parents, it was a pretty harrowing, experience.

Right click on the files you are interested and use the "Add to archive" option. That dialog has a section for encryption.

Yeah, he got sick, but he didn't get the flu. People have a tenancy of labeling any kind of stomach bug as "the flu". He didn't have the flu. In reality, the flu is dangerous. Does the swine flu, bird flu, or Spanish flu sound familiar? They should. People who have the flu are often hospitalized, often sick for

MongoDB has a couple classes that just started yesterday (you can still join through this week) that's free. It's a great introduction to a NoSQL system! :)

I agree that a lot of courses are valuable (I'm finishing my degree now), but it's astounding how much some of these people just don't know from high school. I don't even know how they function in life... About the computer classes though... You'd be surprised, I actually just met someone last term that didn't know

Same here. It was infuriating to know that I was paying for stuff that I had already done in high school. Unfortunately, my school didn't allow students to test out of things :-(

Not really. WR 121 is considered a bacc core class, which meant that everyone had to take it.

There's definitely some good and bad to doing this. A lot of bac core is important because it broadens your horizons and all that, but some of the classes you're forced to take are an absolute waste of time. I remember taking WR 121, and I couldn't believe that I was relearning how to make an outline and write an

Nope, you'd still have to receive a packet of data to check the IP.

You made a great choice for #1! "I sell monogrammed thermoses" has actually made it into the vernacular of friends who don't patron this site.

Why is it terrifying? Can you think of a better way to get a warning out to a bunch of people trespassing? You can't protest on private property without permission.

The truck had several possible legitimate reasons to be in the left. The first being the fact that he was coming up on the other semi fairly quickly. My assumption is that he was simply passing the other semi. A less likely, but also legitimate answer is that there may be exits on the left hand side of this road.

I remember seeing that article! Thanks for pointing that out :)

Yeah, I'm coming around 2TB, but we're definitely the exception when it comes to data storage (hording?).

I've setup home servers for a lot of people with raspberry pi's. Most really just want document storage, and something that'll act as a dedicated sync machine. For that, a raspberry pi and a large flash drive or external hard drive.

While this is not to advocate for the school... I have seen someone get hit with one of those canes (they tried to steal from a blind guy), and it looked to be very painful. This doesn't sound like an accidental bump, more like the kid actually swung it. The kid should be punished, but that's like a time out

I asked a friend who's a counselor that question a while ago, and her response was "it depends...". Stalking isn't really an issue you'd find in the DSM. Rather, it's an issue brought on by a whole crapton of possible reasons. Some medical, others not.

No problem. Although, weird issue... Originally, Kinja said that comment was to me, not to jsimon.

I definitely agree that the calculus is valuable, but personally I thought the discrete did a better job of teaching me problem solving skills. Maybe I was just naturally more inclined towards the calculus side than the discrete so it pushed my personal boundaries more.