
Not true, read my response to the article. They're going after me for an imaginary $550 xD.

My wife and I have been dealing with this for the last 4 months. We got a certified letter in the mail from a collection agency saying we owed ~$550. It was certainly news to us as we have no outstanding bills.

This allows you automatic syncing. Sure you can always setup an SSH tunnel, and they still have their preferred places, but this is a great option for just keeping a folder synced across multiple devices.

I thought about doing something like this, but I found that I preferred a black glass desk with some liquid chalk markers. Whatever I end up writing on my desk generally needs to be slightly more permanent than dry-erase.

Aw, youtube removed the video... I hadn't had a chance to watch it yet :(

Props to the guy, but that's a lot of work... I think I'll stick to refilling my liquid soap.

I have troubles with Comcast on a monthly basis (no joke). Name the problem and I've had it. It took two months of fighting back and forth before they decided one issue was due to my apartment complex's old wiring (which they fixed).

Seems like a lot of people missed the joke... Did you forget to request the flyover? :P

You totally missed the joke.

They could always change to the black box method.

Vote: Comcast

Generally I only use it to reheat some leftovers or to heat a cup of water for hot chocolate...

ctrl+enter will give you .com in a browser. Then similar variations for .net and .org.

The ability is there. You can create a new station from the app and then add variety to it.

Google Reader. I just create a folder named "release" and then setup a few filters based on each object. TV Shows for example all start at totally random times and I'm not going to go through and discover when they're starting/ending/moving times. So I just keep a filter that automarks everything on their news feed

I think daily might be a bit overkill...

Say it makes other people uncomfortable. It's not a stretch to tell him other people view it as "threatening"

If you setup port forwarding on your home router you can assign the device a static ip (locally) and then control it from work or whatever.

You can setup port forwarding on your router and control it from anywhere assuming that you're leaving it at home.