
Not true! If you setup port forwarding on your router you can use it from anywhere.

Wary? If it's an app that will end up being used every day what is $7? I mean seriously, for the sheer amount of work it does what's wrong with the price? I promise it's not a scam :P

Nothing works on this new commenting system.

What about something more simple like Colornote? I've never really seen a need for something this complicated when I can simply add another checklist labeled "To Do". Am I missing some killer feature?

Isn't that a bit of an ignorant statement? I'm great at spelling and grammar, but if you want to type quickly a touch screen phone isn't exactly the most reliable thing in the world. There's no physical response to the key layout so a good portion of the time you just hit the area and hope that you hit the right

It's actually a lot easier to learn than I was originally expecting it to be. If you're quick with SwiftKey, don't bother switching you won't be nearly as fast on Swype. It seems to me that Swype is really good for people that aren't very good at regular typing as it does speed them up, but it seems to slow people

It should be, "they think it sucks"

VOTE: Go Launcher Ex

I'm kinda a triva nut too, so "wait, wait ..." seems pretty interesting so far. Thanks for the recommendation.

I don't understand all the offices without color. I can understand a minimal workspace to keep distractions at bay, but those rooms just don't look comfortable to me. Besides, in the summer I'd need to wear sunglasses to cut down on all the light reflecting off of every surface...

It might have something to do with network utilization. I believe that DD-WRT also measures the in house usage, so for example your media streaming or dropbox connecting two different computers.

There are a few things I've learned from the in the past. Really try to avoid saying things like "you don't" or anything that starts with "you" really. Rather say something like "I need" or "I'm not getting {x}". It keeps the tone focused more on what you're missing, without appropriating blame to any party. It

Thanks for the suggestions; TED Hour is pretty cool. I've never heard of Stitcher before, but I'll give it a go.

Thanks, RadioLab looks interesting I'll give it a try!

I've started to subscribe to a few podcasts, but I'm looking for a few more that are interesting to follow. Currently I really like "This American Life" and have started following engadget. Anyone else have any favorites?

"obvious and we'll known sooner" should be "know"

Yeah, I actually was just coming to delete the comment, apparently the server was just bogged down with my music collection. I was saying it had updated the directory, but it refused to acknowledge any videos until it had finished combing my 60GB of music.

This is the first time I've used Plex, but the server seems a bit buggy. It picks up my music library easily enough, but I can't get it to recognize my video. All in a variety of containers (avi, mkv, mp4). Any idea why that wouldn't work?

Although I didn't think about it when I got it, I'm really glad my Motorola Photon came with an HDMI out. I've been setting some of this stuff up on my phone because I didn't really feel like buying anything for my bedroom even though I have an extra tv in there. A long micro hdmi cord ran to the bedside table has