
Since I didn’t make that clear, same.

Hi. Dummy here. I thought they were remaking Cat People when I first saw the blurb. I guess the producers, etc have a pretty good idea of who their built in audience is based on the pretty identifiable split in the takes.

Both are gibberish :)

It’s gibberish.

She won’t be wearing the zoodles, will she?

She wants to be forgiven for far more than what she refused to even allow him to explain?

Good to be seen ;) Hope all is well with you!!

It’s like they don’t feel like they owe it it to anyone to be be better liars. They just throw out their bullshit excuses with a silent laugh at the idea that they’ll be challenged further.

Dr Who, yes. But also, the fabulous “I Hate Suzie”.

Wow. The dope is ME!!!!! My reading comprehension skills were laid to waste by the glory that is his love. 


tripp spelled Bae “Bay”.

Crying? For some reason my TL blew past the candid weeping straight to the completely spontaneous shots of full on gravesite mourning/camping trips.

He’s a scum-sucker for sure. And they’ll profit off of it. Which makes them lower?

I know that “Throuple” is the most convenient term but it sounds like something got caught in a throat. 

Hey, Franco Nero:

I had a cupcake and coffee just this afternoon!

They don’t have those here. They were my faves!

I like the peanut butter TandyTakes and the plain chocolate cupcakes, too.

Isn’t that crazy?? We have them from one end of the state to the other now (they started out in Orlando).