
Haha it doesn’t help that I’m a teacher and my dad periodically sends me job listings for the English or learning specialist departments at my high school...

Main Street always has something fun and new up its sleeve. When I go home I tend to hit up all my old standbys — Martha’s (even though I’m vaguely disappointed in the food half the time, Istill go, because it just takes me back and feels like home), the Garden, all that good stuff — but apparently there’s a brewery

Agreed! That film was a big cry for me. Oh my goodness.

I love and miss NH, my home sweet home! Nashua over here. :)

Ughhhhhhhhh to all of this, this entire situation, but in particular to this perversion of the Christian call to love one another *as we are*, not as projections of how we think they should be. Signed, the very frustrated liberal Christian.

haha I forgot about the asshat poster! I’m a 7th grade language arts teacher at an all boys middle school (with many lawyer-friends, so I know the landscape of bar summer pretty well by association!), and damn, I might need one of those to get me through the end of the school year, too. Woof.

First, fingers and toes crossed while I make the sign of the cross in response to all of this.

I support your take on this 100%. I also love Nicole and am a firm advocate of turn Kidmanissance, so here we are.

*snort* I see you.

Gotta avoid those Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel situations...

Oh my goodness, YES. Isn’t Samuel Johnson played by Robbie Coltrane, too??

If you don’t have a life then I don’t either. Have you listened to the “History of England” podcast? The host (who is delightful and claims to make the podcast in his shed. Hence the members-only podcast being called the “Shedcast.”) does some pretty in depth work on Margaret, Richard, and all things Yorkist and

What I doubt is whether either of them would actually get their hands dirty. More likely Richard III ok’d the order and had it carried out by others. Not that that makes him less complicit, but murder and conspiracy to commit murder aren’t the same crime.

ummmm most definitely the best historical account available. I was just listening to the radio broadcast of the Regency Blackadder series and it was as phenomenal as ever.

Safe to assume he’s the new Fyre Festival headliner for 2018?

Are you telling me (gasp) that, in a shocking twist, Russian officials were less than truthful? Poppycock.

10/10 would watch.

Wait. That’s amazing. Jewish mothers really do run the world.

BOOM! lol whatever gets you through. Good luck on the bar exam!

Yes! One of my best friends from high school graduated from Harvard Medical school and calls it “The H Bomb.” She and her colleagues generally kept the specifics to themselves, unless they were meeting up with or dating someone else who had also experienced the H Bomb.