I will literally go into borderline bankruptcy to fund either of their campaigns.
I will literally go into borderline bankruptcy to fund either of their campaigns.
Wait, are you serious? (I mean you obviously are, i’m just running out of phrases for “WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK IS HAPPENING WITH THIS BULLSHIT?”) Damn.
All the bitch slaps! Also, if you need help covering bar exam fees, I will happy gofundme the hell outta that — gotta support all the bitch slaps, ESPECIALLY the ones that happen in our courts. Go Notmyyacht go!
This comment turned me into the heart eyes emoji. All the stars.
RIGHT?? It would be beautifully steamed, ironed, tied impeccably. This photo is total nonsense.
How have I not noticed that?? LOVE.
*Shudder* It’s like a bad prom date.
For sure. There are roots within the Calvinist / Puritan ideologies that still find their way into American thought today, as well. “Oh, a bunch of shitty stuff happened to you? Clearly you’re damned and it’s your fault, so ...” *shrugs*
“Love Thy Neighbor” only pertains to the neighbor who looks like you, makes as much money as you, and was also born in Amurricah *, don’t ya know.
Speaking as a middle school teacher, I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never used “homework on the school bus quality effort” before! That speaks to so many things going on the world right now ... particularly here in DC. Oof.
Great point — I remember reading a biography all about Babe when I was a kid and being completely in awe. Totally inspiring. Clearly she paved the way!
Right?? I saw that and I was like, “Rest assured, friend, those of us who sport KNOW that she’s the greatest athlete of our time.”
The only person in the universe who I don’t judge for tweeting this way is Cher. Every one of her tweets is a giant fantastic emoji-laden Rebus puzzle and I am here for it.
Halle Berry during that musical number was the epitome of when your awkward uncle dances with you at a family wedding.
It’s like the adults in “Charlie Brown.”
Truly the lone acceptable Milo. Also, Mathemagician = goals.
Jez should definitely cross-post Root pieces more. They’ve been vocal about promoting intersectionality in feminism, but it’s time to practice what they preach.
I support this theory. One day Tiffany will rip off her face and we’ll realize she was Chelsea Clinton the whole time. #playingthelonggame
hahahaha this makes me so happy. There are like 8 Lothar Freys in the West Wing as we speak.