That implies that Comey’s running the show behind the scenes ... or that he might be the most highly compromised? I’m intrigued! Let’s keep playing this game.
That implies that Comey’s running the show behind the scenes ... or that he might be the most highly compromised? I’m intrigued! Let’s keep playing this game.
I saw that! Completely insane! And I thought I’d stop saying that, because 2017, but jeez.
Hot damn that’s depressing. And likely true.
Not sure who that 1 vote was in the 368-1, but he or she watch their food — and their back — for the next few months. ughhhhh.
Or Tibet! Charles is a big advocate of Tibetan rights and didn’t attend a dinner with the Chinese president as a protest. Trump’s mind would be blown by the idea of someone investing time and energy into advocating for the “little guy.” Perhaps it would cause a spontaneous combustion? (We can dream?)…
Love me some Mayor Pete!
I agree! I sent this to our Hon. Judge Brown, too!
yessss Kamala Khan! I need to get myself to the comic book store. Thanks for the link!
Well this is the cutest damn thing I’ve seen in several weeks. Way to go, little dude! Keep rocking those knitting needles!
To be fair to you, it definitely *was* God’s gift to humanity.
Damn. That’s usually pretty telling!
insane. thank you for sharing.
This is new (and interesting) to me (as someone who has always viewed PETA with a bit of a side-eye but who hasn’t dabbled much in the animal rights / animal activism area) — what else have they done that’s shady? Minus their freaky-ass comic books.
Cannot unsee. If she falls on some newspapers, will their imprint show up on her top?
oh 100% ! Honey Badger don’t care. Honey Badger don’t give a shit about your $5,000 suit when she tears you to shreds.
Side note, this visual is magnificent. I look forward to her shaking up nonsense like a slack lil beanie baby throughout this administration.
The live feed from this video on our local news last night (MD ‘burbs of DC over here) was a delight. A DELIGHT. Keep up the good work and the good werk, y’all. All the love.
Those ladies look so badass! I also appreciate, as an amateur comic book fan, that their bodies are not in biologically-impossible-but-apparently-sexy-to-a-15-year-old-boy-reader positions, like many a cover I’ve seen. They actually look like *gasp* superheroes. Cheers!
This is too cool! And also fun to look at ;)
I support you, Ms. Bong. :) Cheers!