
“So hold on, anyone who flies a Confederate Flag is now a white supremacist? I think that’s unfair, because you’re not considering what it means to me. Sure, there are some who fly it because they are racist and that’s BAD! But to me, the Confederate Flag represents my appreciation for and pride in my ancestors who

If the Zionist state you want “does exist” — i.e. it’s the state that exists now — then I got bad news about your Zionism...

This entire conversation reminds me so much of the “Flying the Confederate Flag doesn’t mean I’m racist, it just means I really love the South!” argument.

Listen, I totally get that “your” Zionism is non-exclusive and integrates Muslims and Christians seamlessly into your one imagined state (which would be Jewish... ?) Unfortunately, Zionism has already manifested in the real world, and that real world expression of Zionism does not exactly align with your view. I guess

If you say “I’m a White Nationalist” and then get upset because people look at you disapprovingly when what you really meant was only that you support the right of white people to live in a place free from violence and strife, I’m not sure the people who look at you disapprovingly are in the wrong.

I guess “the brand of Zionism” that she fights against is presumably the brand of Zionism you also detest, so I’m having a hard time understanding why you say you disagree with it. For what it’s worth, the Zionism that she fights against is ubiquitous (and certainly more prevalent than the view you describe).

“the brand of Zionism she fights against is not the brand of Zionism I recognize”
“one cannot be a Zionist and a feminist at the same time. I am indeed both, thankyouverymuch”

So is the “brand of Zionism” that has resulted in the current apartheid state that is Israel your brand of Zionism, or not? I’m totally open to

Palestine being free means an apartheid state being dismantled. South Africa didn’t cease to exist once apartheid was dismantled there, but it sure wasn’t free before then.

Did you even read this article? It’s the liberals/centrists that are now going after her, not the “far-Left” (lol). Sheesh.

“I don’t think the men are babies, but the researchers are for stopping the tests over that.” That is an insane position.

This is an excellent post — thank you. I will remember this post fondly on the darkest days of the Chelsea Clinton circle jerk era looming on the horizon.

What a complete fucking tire fire of a comment section. Good lord.

You could tell by the comments on the Jez articles about the beef how this was gonna go. All sorts of white girls getting sooooo uppppsettttt about how “violent” Remy’s track was, and stanning for Nicki because she gave them the (boring, cell-phone-commercial-sounding) sounds they wanted to hear. Oh well.

Mansplaining womansplained

It’s all good, you wouldn’t be happy with me if you did. :(

You roll the dice with the immediate indignant takes in an effort to be the first and get the starzzzz. Sometimes you win, like basically anyone with an indignant-as-shit post after the bad Mail Ally post; sometimes you lose, like ZemarSea-Urchin on this good post. The starz game giveth and the starz game taketh away.

I think you posted this on the wrong post.

This article is not good and the comments are also not good and everyone should be disappointed in themselves and hit “delete”

I am 100% not joking. It would be perfect!! I would fucking die.
