
To everyone who reflexively complained about Harris’s critics over the past few months: This is why leftist criticism is not only good, but necessary. The more you defend your centrist idols, the longer it will take them to adopt common-sense and wildly popular progressive positions like single-payer. I applaud


You say, on an article glorifying the investment of energy in the DSA vs DNC. 🤦‍♂️

RL Stephens is the real deal, just an amazing speaker and brilliant observer. He’s been on a bunch of lefty podcasts lately, always a joy to listen to.

Excellent post. Literally everyone is going to be pissed off in this comment section.

Thank you, Katherine. Thank you for every single word of this write-up!

“This isn’t a discussion.”

“The worst thing a dictator’s wife usually has ever done is to profit from misery indirectly.”

Nah, I got it from “she’s worse than dictators’ wives” — what did she do that’d make her worse than any of them? What’d she release that was so problematic, other than, again, evidence of brutality against civilians?

So the problem isn’t the indiscriminate murder of Iraqi civilians by US forces, it’s that someone...leaked the information? That’s fairly Trumpian logic right there.

Be sure to use that /s tag otherwise people might think you’re serious

Well I never said Linda Sarsour is bad, I admire her a great deal.

Did you just #NotAllZionists?

We get it, you want to get to say BernieBro today. Here you go, I’ll line it up for you: Hillary Clinton was a shitty candidate for president (and this is not because she is a woman).

How the hell is an article entitled “Linda Sarsour Echoes Donald Trump” not sensationalist? How is an article that calls Rasmeah Odeh a convicted terrorist without mentioning that her confession was coerced not sensationalist? Give me a break.

Didnt we have a discussion about this on Jezebels article, and you said Emily Shire is a friend of yours. Might be good to point that out.

In certain circles in NYC criticizing Zionism is equated with Anti-Semitism. PERIOD.

Uh, Linda Sarsour is most certainly not getting attacked by the Left — she seems to be one of the many pet hate targets common to both the Right and centrists/liberals, which is literally the point of this piece.