
Thank you very much for posting this — a welcome breath of fresh air in a sea of mindnumbingly stupid articles about the DSA and burgeoning wave of leftism. R.L. fuckin’ rules.

Go for it — it truly doesn’t bother me if you do. I was genuinely perplexed to see a bunch of people act surprised about how the general public reacted when Sarsour started talking about jihad. Sure, she (like you) will proceed to tell us all about how society’s understanding of the word has been corrupted by fallible

“Latecomers” haven’t redefined Zionism from the “haven” that it was when Hitler was murdering us by the millions; the only true example of a Zionist state has. If your position is that our understanding of “Zionism” is unconnected to the politics and state of Israel, the only state and politics that have ever

I’ve seen you posting all over the place that Israel is not an apartheid state because (some) Israeli Arabs are permitted to vote. Not sure where you’ve pulled this concept from. Certainly the ICC and the UN (each of which have developed a working definition of apartheid) don’t say “if the oppressed group can vote,

I’m sorry that we’re not all bubblegum and lollipops about Israel! Not at all surprised to hear that you had a “whole agenda” in this conversation — it shows.

My assumptions about the views of people who say they are “proud Zionists” rests not on whatever a small group of people in Israel say — hawks, or doves, or (most abundantly) the ambivalent — but on what the actual Zionist state does and has done.

(1) Uh.... are you pulling my leg now? Is this like a gas-lighting thing?

(1) You say that “Israel” and “The Occupation” are separate. Unfortunately, they are not. There are nice things about Israel — Tel Aviv has great beaches! — and not nice things about Israel, but they are all Israel. The Occupation is a thing that happens within Israel, is facilitated and committed by Israel. Israel is

OK, I’ll acknowledge that if you think you can separate “Israel” from “the Occupation”, that we’re just not going to agree here. I’m certain this will fall on deaf ears, but Gideon Levy weighed in with something you’ll hopefully read some day:

Also a fair point — you didn’t say she was “bad”, that was me cribbing and agree that doesn’t totally capture your view here. My bad.

Not sure where I proposed a definition of Zionism — just told you what I would assume about someone who told me they were a proud Zionist, which is that they support the only Zionist state there is. And to be clear, it’s not just that Israel happens to have “a leadership and some members of the population who support

Sorry, I was trying to make the point that you made — that a vision of one state that is somehow simultaneously a religious state (whether Muslim or Jewish) but also a liberal democracy that is fully inclusive to all is just not realistic (and so is difficult to take seriously as a “brand of Zionism”).

So, to be clear about the “bullshit” here:
I say: “When you say you’re a proud Zionist, generally that would suggest to me that you’re proud of the only example of a Zionist state that has ever existed, which actively describes itself as ‘Zionist’, and is committed to Zionist principles. It has the characteristics you

That’s a fair point. I guess I would respond differently to someone saying they were a “PROUD AMERICAN!” in the era of slavery versus someone saying they are a “PROUD AMERICAN!” in 2017.

Sheesh, noone is saying “white nationalism” and “Zionism” are the same concept; there is no “false equivalence”. I think you’ve really misunderstood. It is absolutely a strategy, though, but admittedly it only works when you understand what’s being said so I recognize I’m not going to make any headway with you on that

Sure, if after marshalling all of the powers of your smoothbrain you conclude that the logical conclusion of my posts above is that anti-Zionists are alt-righters, I guess we know where you’re at.

I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying here... of course you can be a proud American and believe America can be better. That’s very nice of you, and really doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m saying.

Goodness gracious we gotta call in the joke explainers.

Here’s the message that got Tza upset and dismissy:
““So hold on, anyone who flies a Confederate Flag is now a white supremacist? I think that’s unfair, because you’re not considering what it means to me. Sure, there are some who fly it because they are racist and that’s BAD! But to me, the Confederate Flag represents

Ahhh, that’s my bad. I thought you meant “exists” in an “actually exists” way.