
Can’t wait for the next iteration of this hot new 2017 feminism! Maybe I would feel better if they just wrote “GIRL POWER” on the side of the Dakota Access Pipeline. I think we all need a bit of empowerment!

I mean, to be fair, really difficult question to ask this Travis Weber goober. If he says “Laverne should go to the women’s room” then he’s worried about... uhh I’m not even sure what, but he’s WORRIED. If he says “Laverne should go to the men’s room” then all of the trans women might be able to sneak a peek at his

To be clear.. RSG starts chasing Kitties, Stars and Glitter across Jezebel, responding to her posts unprompted. RSG then accuses Kitties, Stars and Glitter of following HER around Jezebel. Ooooook

This might be my favourite way to say “ya seem dumb”, but politely, ever.

The “scorn and harassment” is apparently heaped upon anyone who encourages dear RuthSlayderGinsburg from doing any thinking, at all, about what she does. Agreed that the Trump-level ability to read probably doesn’t help. It’s not that you’ve done anything - think you’ve pretty clearly acted in good faith. She just

Oh god, you again... so, so sensitive about yesterday’s article!

Sadly, you are right — not surprising. Hence my first comment: “This entire thread is the most Jezebel thing ever. Complete and total inability to reckon with even the most limited criticism. Yeeeeesh.”

I have a similar background, and understand where you’re coming from. I do think it’s a little harsh to call her a hack, but to each their own. In my view, the message — even if garbled, which I can’t argue it isn’t — is one that absolutely has to get through in 2017. I think the apolitical feminism that has given

I hear you — I think those are fair criticisms (esp. the part about running off to India). I don’t think it renders the whole thing “ridiculously absurd” but can’t pretend it’s perfect either.

Nobody asked me — it’s a comment section on a feminist site. But nobody asked for your views either; but, since you volunteered them — surprise! — people on the internet won’t agree with your bold view on why you don’t agree with Jessa Crispin because pedicures can be a feminist act!

So, to be clear, when you referred to your “perfectly pointed comment (which had enough stars that [you are] quite sure [your] point was understandable to anyone with basic reading comprehension)“, you were referring to the post with... one star? Yeah, I’m not so sure I buy that Kellyanne... must have been my mistake

You didn’t post gibberish... again, I really don’t know why you think I’m saying you did? You did make clear that you weren’t really going to think very hard about Jessa Crispin’s thoughts about your feminism because you think the pedicures you enjoy now, after being in an abusive relationship with someone who at

Sheesh — we’re gonna run outta hay with all the straw men! I agree, you don’t owe me, or anyone else, anything. I don’t know why you think that. It’s very clear you have no interest in being “challenged” by my ideas, or the ideas of anyone who would tell you you might want to think a bit harder about your ideas. To

Think you might have a hard time convincing some of these commenters to have a look into this defensiveness. As illustrated by “RuthSlayderGinsburg”, the “knee-jerk defensiveness” runs pretty deep... very little interest in engaging with ideas that might challenge them. But I’m totally with you — strikes me as very

Hmm, I don’t know why my response to your comment was deleted, but just to reiterate: this comment doesn’t even make sense. Also, I’m not kidding: you have to be able to see why people might worry that your feminism is performative only and not substantive when you can’t even be bothered to make sense in your replies

Uhhhh what? You also think about why you view me in this way, even though you don’t know a thing about me? You can imagine why some people might worry that your feminism is like this post — performative and without substance.

I think it’s reductionist and unfair to say that I think “all other action is meaningless”. It’s not, and I’m not sure you’re really thinking about any of this in good faith right now. I do think it’s telling how sensitive you are to the idea that there might be things about your life - what you value, what you

This entire thread is the most Jezebel thing ever. Complete and total inability to reckon with even the most limited criticism. Yeeeeesh.

I’m not sure how much Jessa Crispin you’ve read, but if you think she jumps on Beyonce while celebrating idiot white women celebrities, that’s just not the case. It’s possible to believe that all of these people — Lena Dunham and Beyonce and Taylor Swift — are complicit in a system that fundamentally abuses women.

I can imagine this will be a difficult read for a number of commenters who frequent this site. Or, actually, it probably won’t... but it should be. This was great — thank you very much for doing and posting this.