
Bernie would have won.

Maybe I’m optimistic, but I think what you’re seeing is the death of liberalism as people start to figure out it’s a hollow lie. I don’t think it’s liberals only getting “angry when there is a president with an R in office”. Some of them are partisan hacks, sure. But I actually think there’s a youth segment growing

I don’t understand what you’re even saying at this point. I’ve never been recorded on a webcam or TV punching a Nazi, but I have punched a Nazi. Most who grew up in the punk and hardcore scene in the 90s and 00s have. I have, and will continue, to “sit with people of color when they are being gassed, beaten and

Shia didn’t punch a Nazi because of a disagreement about “press relationship” and “government social media”. He punched a Nazi because a Nazi advocates genocide. You’re wrong and your argument is bad.


Truly incredible that Shia fucking LeBeouf is more of a “#Resistance” (oh god) leader than the fucking spineless Dems giving the green light to Trump’s appointees. Good grief.

Of course you aren’t supposed to change. The general rule is “Try and be considerate; if it’s not that important to you and it hurts someone, then consider not doing it.” Two things: (1) people being racist IS, presumably, important to you (and should be); and (2) someone who feels “hurt” or triggered because they’re

What do you gain by this picture being the featured photo? Can’t imagine a whole ton. What do others stand to lose by this picture being the featured photo? See above — potentially lots. The OP’s not asking for a god damn law prohibiting them from posting the pics, just trying to give insight into why this might make

Completely legitimate point, and a reasonable/fair request. Hope that Jezebel listens. Power to you.

Counterpoint: Rukmini Callimachi, while a truly indispensable resource for anyone interested in Middle East/international politics and ISIS, may be Twitter’s absolute worst offender when it comes to “threading”. I’ve tried to follow her on some of her 40+ “tweetstorms” and it becomes almost impossible. PLEASE, PUT IT

finally, a TV show about a white heterosexual cis-woman!

“Well-written” is very very charitable

“I wish I could say the same for many of my male loved ones and colleagues, liberal men—many of whom are white—who are all in favor of progress and moving the needle, but only, apparently, until it reaches a place where it no longer benefits them directly.”

This show is honestly very bad. I can’t help but feel like people who really love this show lead really boring lives — lots of people who describe non-Starbucks coffee chains as “hipster” and “alternative”. It feels like someone asked a ten year old, or someone who lives in Fargo, to write a show about what they

I agree; the story seems to pretty clearly be one of “follow[ing] that of it which is unspecific ... and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]”. I don’t really know how the author gets so much comfort from the passage (but I do understand why she might be inclined to try and find that comfort).

Couldn’t the passage you cited be interpreted to mean the exact opposite of what you’re hoping it does? “As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them].” Are you not trying to parse one of the