Game of Thrones’ Iwon Rheon says Ramsay Bolton is “Dennis the Menace crossed with the Joker from Batman.”
Game of Thrones’ Iwon Rheon says Ramsay Bolton is “Dennis the Menace crossed with the Joker from Batman.”
My limited Spanish skills has translated part of the post as, “Fuck you, go suck dog dick,” which if accurate...fair enough.
I’ve never wanted to understand Spanish as badly as I did reading this post, and I was once almost arrested in Barcelona in a drunken-falafel related incident that directly related to my inability to say anything other than “Yo tengo un gato en mis pantelones”
I honestly think that those who are the most against AA are the most mediocre students. They seem very angry that they cannot coast into places of influence based mostly on their own privilege. How vexing for them? Decent candidates are not so threatened by competition.
From this story, I’m getting that he, personally, has stolen some black person’s spot in medical school. Which he then threw away by dropping out. So, my takeaway is that he is an asshole.
Not just that, but also the fact that the schools will do an extensive background check, as well as the fact that to get duplicate records like that, you may have to get it notarized.
I honestly hope he realizes, in many medical schools across the country, Asians are not considered a minority, as there are far, far more Asian medical professional students, than Hispanics, Blacks, and Anerican-Indian/Pacific Islander.
Seems like January Jones has a thing for blandly handsome comedians who’ve starred on SNL.
I have a veterinary medical degree and live in Lyme disease central. Lyme disease is no joke.
Bedridden for 5 months? Damn. And I thought 5 weeks in a hospital bed was bad.
Netflix + masturbation> Sex - Netflix. #sorrynotsorry
This 1 direction drama is my absolute favorite never let it end unless it is with a Monica/Brandi style sing off
POORLY it is all so stressful. and there are more rumors than i can keep up with and they're all over the news and i am like, one more news break from making my own LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE video for 1d.
so much info about everything is coming at e and it's distressing and harry is such a bad actor oh my god
Is life really this grim? This joyless? Is private voting in a democracy an experiment destined to collapse upon itself like a dying star because human nature is bleak, dark and angry?
"Kanye will breeze into a store and immediately start pulling looks for Kim to try on. He likes to pose her after he's picked out her outfits. He gets completely in the zone."
I am not sure I would be convinced by Dornan in a rom com. In the back of my head, i will still be thinking that later that night he is going to be stalking some unsuspecting woman even if he is in a rom com. He played a serial killer too well in the Fall and 50 shades has done nothing to convince me he is still not…
I think if we listen closely, we can all hear Adultosaur having a terrific MELTDOWN.