
Rich Juzwiak not understanding something because it doesn’t fit his extremely privileged worldview is such a common occurrence on this site that we could fill volumes with the text.

“I’ve arrived at that time in an actress’s career where you either have to get serious or disappear, and I’d like to continue working, so I need an Oscar, rn.”

Those two were literally raised by a man who went to prison for attempting to set up a sting with his sister’s husband and a prostitute because his sister testified against him, or something beyond the pale sleazy like that. Being a multimillionaire doesn’t make you a horrible person per se, but when that is the base

Just in case she ever does read this, I have always apologetically LOVED Anne Hathaway, including and especially in Valentine’s Day, where she killed me with her phone sex worker bit. She was easily the best part of that movie, and is fucking delightful in everything I’ve ever seen her in.


I love her. Yes she’s a bit over the top sometimes (which celebrity isn’t though?) but she’s consistently good in all of her roles and she seems pretty grounded. I never got the hate.

I am so psyched for when this all happens on Netflix’s The Crown.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

I miss Stana. The closest we got to a Canadian Bond girl :(

I don’t even like Hitchens and I was offended.

STFU NO HE DIDN’T *rage scream*

He fucking didn’t, did he? Oh, yeah they’re completely the OPPOSITE FUCKING PEOPLE IN TERMS OF INTELLECT, CREDENCE, AND STATuRE. Unless he meant they’re both islamaphobic and mysogynistic but Hitchens hated just about every religion and his views of the Iraq War were were clearly influenced by the time he spent as a

I couldn’t believe how much Maher was kissing Milo’s ass. Cements the idea i’ve always had that Maher is a star-fucker and that over rides his morals. He doesn’t mind that right wingers have power, and their horrible ideas are/will hurt people. As long as they’ll come on his show and the money keeps coming in.

This documentary called Dear Zachary. It fucking gutted me.

Stephen Miller is more than a propagandist, he’s a zealot. His rhetoric scares me; Conway’s just annoyed me.

I think she’s learned her lesson. What I’m worried about is fucking Bernie running again because you know he will.

I’m assuming Politico’s “source close to Trump” is Ivanka.

Awesome. One of the few places his white trash cousin fucking supporters could afford, but even Kmart is all “NOPE”. Fuck this entire family. I want their name to be fucking toxic for generations. Kushner too.

This was scary bordering on not even trying to be funny because it’s all genuinely terrifying but I did laugh. Because fuck Kellyanne Conway. And her bones clicking back into place like the demon she is was excellent.

It took me a long time to warm up to this generation. I also hated Cook for such a long time and did not understand that love triangle AT ALL.

That being said Effy and Cook’s followup episodes after the Third Generation are brutally fantastic.