
Its not a pagent, it's a scholarship program - Kathy Morningside. Thank you Candice Bergen, I will love you forever.

Jane Austin's novels primarily concern plucky young women having to choose between dashing alt-country singers and earnest Java developers all the while set in the glamorous backdrop of a three hour line-up for BBQ.

I LOVE JOSH HUTCHERSON. Jezebel boyfriend, ver. 2.0, please, after JGL.

I am already in the cuntiest mood this morning and the lead story in DB is not helping. Fuck that guy. I don't really have much else to say, since Iggy pretty much covered it on Twitter yesterday.

I spent two years working for Android Police before coming to Lifehacker to all but steal Android coverage from most of the other writers. I wrote most of the Google I/O coverage and completely sat out WWDC and yesterday's announcement.

This is going to go into sooooo many nerd's erotic fan fiction now.

Prince Harry, the original and everlasting Royal Baby, did have a reaction because he is a grown person. He said, in jest, "I can't wait to see my brother suffer more."

Yeah, "in jest" I'm sure.

Sophia has taken it to the next level in the Litchfield salon!

I don't want Beyoncé to be friends with Blake Lively.

Only naturally curly hair. Everyone knows that professional women have naturally straight hair that they perfectly coif into gently flowing wavy curls.

I was referring in part to the fundraiser for Officer Darren Wilson that has raised more than $300K, ostensibly from people other than white women and the protests in favor of Wilson, populated by both men and women.

Gwyneth Paltrow is converting to Judaism.

Welcome to the team Gwyneth! I'm looking forward to the official Goop Guide to Pesach making my brain leak out of my ears.

We spent SO MUCH TIME discussing exploitation in art school. We aren't supposed to do stuff like this.

fuck this, can we crowdfund some kind of injunction?

at least one actress has said her pic was faked:

I'm just happy you wrote an article about Britney. And how viewed and commented on it is. Old Britney may be gone, but she's still with us...in here ::: points to heart::: :::wipes tear from eye:::

Well done. You're the type of person that mother would like me to be - always looking for the good in people, even if it's the smallest thing.

Now playing

Watching Stephen Amell work out does all kinds of things for me. When is Arrow coming back.