Bless Her Heart.
Bless Her Heart.
Regarding Snooki: How can someone graduate high school without reading any books? I don't think Twilight and Dear John count.
Class Mr Katz. Pure class.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can…
Four months is a lot of time to invest in luring one person. I wonder how many others they had on the string at the same time?
Sad to say, I cyberstalk (which sounds bad, a better word would be 'research) the fuck outta people now a days when it comes to anything.
Calling a mother a 'host' gives pregnancy a certain air of science fiction, doesn't it?
Yeah, not surprised. I know everyone kept talking about their open marriage, but I didn't think their marriage would last. I think that even if you have an open marriage, your partner should come first and it seems that he saw himself as more important than Paula.
I wouldn't call it a scandal because it implies her willing participation and she was actually the victim of a disturbing crime. Some creep illegally filmed her and stalked her. There was a criminal trial and the creep was convicted:…
I'm surprised Mattel lawyers aren't suing the silicone out of her. They are extremely protective of Barbie's image and try their hardest to portray her as a good role model (and to their credit, Barbie has had a bazillion jobs, including astronauts and president of the USA). I can't imagine they are happy about this…
But Barbie was an astronaut and a doctor and an executive and a figure skater and a ballerina! She should be raising her intelligence and getting all those degrees and hitting the ice/barre if she really wants to be like Barbie.
Thank you so much for sharing, Sprouts. I'm so sorry you went through that, but the obvious strength you've found within yourself is astounding.
They don't need it. They can cut the kid off and throw them out of the house, emotionally manipulate and threaten them, and pretty much punish the kid however they want. Can you imagine being a scared pregnant girl who's boyfriend just died and your parents threaten to throw you out and stop loving you if you have an…
She's said malicious, evil things to Farrah on TV, much less when no one was around :( Farrah's mom is a terrible NASTY awful person.
When I see stuff like this, I am eternally grateful for my mother. Not only did she assure birth control for my sister in her teens (I, a late bloomer, was not sexually active until much later), but she even drove her to the clinic to get an abortion at one point, stayed with her, and supported her physically and…