
I got Marnie in that same quiz and immediately reevaluated my life! I then emailed my friend, for validation, "BUT I'M TOTALLY A SHOSH, RIGHT?"

Totally agree, there can only be one Bodhi.......

This is literally EXACTLY what this "prank" made me think. You really got us, Jimmy? Except you didn't? And even if you had it wouldn't have been all that much of a trick?

Looks like Jimmy Kimmel is looking to take some attention away from Fallon.

Well if Jesus died on the cross so we would all be healed I think he deserves a refund.

Ah, if only life were like an episode of SVU...

Listen folks, it's real easy. You can do whatever you want to do with your body, the stuff on your body and the stuff inside your body. However, your right to practice your personal interpretation of your personal religion stops when you interfere with the well being of another person's body. Everyone on board now?

How long until someone starts a parody Sochi Hotel Dog twitter account?

Clearly, Michelle Rodriguez's Pants needs a Twitter account.

I think at this point only a few people who were not aware of her shtick (moms, apparently) find it salacious. Pretty much everyone else thinks it's totally stupid and annoying, or really cool because it supposedly irritates people.

Wait. I'm sorry. Paperbaggate is 'performance art'?

James Franco.

Ah shit... I guess I'm double fucked now.

That is the fiercest mic drop gif. Saved for future use.

We highlight and use post-it notes, it is a very academic endeavor.

Right? What ever happened to the high end watches and leather goods? This is a bunch of crap.

I know, I thought that was really nasty. The guy is allegedly a total asshole, but why would that make it ok to make a cheap shot at his body? He's talked about how he feels like a mutant before.


The snob part of me - 'And here I was thinking that literature was the last untouched bastion and therefore safe from that brood....Apparently not'.

How much longer can Jaden Smith's forehead bear up under the strain of all that worrying?