
Nigella stated early on during the trial that Saatchi didn't allow her to have dinner parties at home. In fact, he doesn't even like proper food. He prefers cereal.

Can I just say a preemptive FUCK YOU to all the trolls and their insensitive comments about women's vaginas.

The lack of Dr. Watson's Magic Moustache of Sex (patent pending) invalidates this entire enterprise.

Is Kim even aware of the word "modesty"?

Nothing is too vulgar for a Kardashian. They really are proof that America is an empire in decline.

I think she'll be fine (I love watching her on TV and will give pretty much any show she's on a shot) but I do think the part about her smoking pot with or in front of her kids- which she admitted to in the trial, but the judge would not let the lawyer continue that line of questioning so there was no further

As if she weren't already famous here, hadn't sold hundreds of thousands of books and had hit shows on multiple cable networds, etc. Bitch is a star here.

Are you kidding? If anything, this circus will actually help her breakthrough in the US. I certainly had no idea who she was before the trial. And now she's got a compelling story to go with that beautiful, made-for-TV face. She'll be just fine.

The coverage of this on the morning news pissed me off. It was basically something like "Nigella's cocaine usage was uncovered, lending weight to the Grillo sisters' claims. Nigella's chances of taking off in the U.S. have been terribly damaged, blah blah blah."

I just don't see how "She did drugs so it was ok to blackmail her and spend money without her knowledge" is a valid defense.

I'm honestly surprised this isn't news from America.

The times I would go over to the UK and stay for a few months (anywhere from 1 to 9 months at a time) I would use 3 as a cellphone (mobile) provider. I would use them because they offered an AMAZING plan that gave me unlimited (and I do mean UNLIMITED) internet access that I could tether my computer to. It was how I

One of my first thoughts is that I've known single moms where the father was absent or had no interest in living arrangements with the kids, and they will say similiar things - "My kids live with me and that's the only way", etc. Not because they're trying to push the dads away, but because the dad is not there and

Ugh, I lived with my mom and that's it. That doesn't mean my dad wasn't in my life in all the ways that count, and still is. I just happened to only have one permanent bedroom. Also, it is just the business of the family involved, and that's it.

I think a disturbing number of people create custody battles not because they want to have time with their children, but as a way to get money/save money, as you said, and to hurt their exes. And I'm including mothers in this sad mess too.

What a bunch of asshats! You know what? I have 3 kids. I've been married one time and they all have the same father. But there's "none of that 50/50" stuff here, either. My kids live with me. They *visit* their father. They have a relationship with their father and, even though I sometimes wish he were more involved,

Woman says 'kids live with me and that is it' - I read that when it first came out and it put my hackles up. As a mother my first thought was 'what about the dads'. So I can only imagine what fathers4justice felt as they are already on the back foot about men's rights with regard to their own children. She may have

People whose business it is who Kate Winslet's children live with:

Part of sleepovers is waking up the next day to the breakfast traditions of other families that aren't your own.