There had better be at least one classic Veronica-Logan hot love scene. Those two have off the charts chemistry. Off. The. Fucking. Charts.
There had better be at least one classic Veronica-Logan hot love scene. Those two have off the charts chemistry. Off. The. Fucking. Charts.
It is the Opinion of This Court that this is a very nuanced, beautiful, and kick-ass painting.
@kookaburracho has unhooked her bra and is attempting to strangle the inventor of the Tweeting Bra with it. #FelonyOrFeminism #YOLO
Yeeiiii!!! I have to save my pesos, I need to see Ender's Game and this in the theater!
Was talking about this with the Mr. last night: Is there ANY CONCEIVABLE WAY to adequately produce Mockingjay without an R rating?
Excuse me, kids. If you need me, I'll be camped out at my nearest movie theater for the next 3 weeks.
I don't know that I buy this, with the examples given. Bones has Angela - the sassy artsy computer hacker. Criminal Minds has Garcia, the blonde super-hacker. NCIS has Abby Sciuto, the perpetual adolescent scientist/hacker. She's modeled after 15 year old girls to get women more interested in STEM. These are all…
Off. That queen better count her lucky stars that one of those boys didn't fall in love with me. Those chapter titles would be a hell of a lot different:
I love how she goes out of her way to emphasize "IN THE YEAR TWENTY THIRTEEN."
Make her be president please someone please yes thanks.
I know, right? I'm from the humble developing country of Brazil, and we have socialized health care and it rules.
I WOULD NEVER CONFUSE HUTCHINGSON AND HEMSWORTH (team Peeta forever); I was confused by this too! Maybe it has something to do with the movie being divided in two? But that doesn't really make sense either.
"We’re human beings and the sun is the sun — how can it be bad for you? I don’t think anything that’s natural can be bad for you."
" I am who I am. I can't pretend to be someone that makes $25,000 a year" — fair enough?
Honestly, The Witching Hour is her best book. And Lestat may be better than Interview.
My heart was always with Jonah- never failed to make me laugh! My heart actually kind of broke for him at the end of Summer Heights High.
But when will there be an entire season dedicated to Mr. G, Celine and a new musical masterpiece?