
I'm sayin'. I'd ship Cersei/Jaime any day over that horseshit.

Yay more good news for Anne Boleyn, I felt bad for her

ummm a.k.a. Anne Boleyn.

Now playing

A highly productive night owl. You mean like this guy?

Is Blake Lively now officially just a professional pretty person? Like Jessicas Alba and Biel? Or is she still an actress?

Hopefully this means more Suzanne, Sophia, and Daya! Actually all of them. Even Pennsatucky. I found her story very compelling and the actress did a hell of a job with that character.


I'm really bothered by this whole "Kim Kardashian is in hiding until her body is perfect thing" Because it's totally what she's doing. She's ashamed. She won't "reveal" her body until she's back to her pre-baby weight. And I hate that. I hate the implications of being ashamed of your body after you give birth.

Hey, if Prince George turns out to be as adorable as little Princess Estelle, you'll all be eating your words. I'm unashamedly royal baby mad.

I can believe he threatened to kill himself if Nigella wouldn't take him back. It's a classic last-gasp abuser tactic. Mine did it to me.

Sigh. That's very fair. In fact, stalking could easily be why she's in prison. But it's TV, so Ima keep loving her anyway.

Also, the audition for the Christmas pageant. Suzanne has figure skating training? What the what?!?

I'm right there with you. I have to watch all these petty unresolved relationship issues between Alex and Piper when I could be learning everything there is to know about Suzanne? I love her.

Like learning about Suzanne's back story! She is so fucking intelligent, insightful and fascinating. I'm dying to know more about her!

I would buy the nourishing and smoothing products. I've had a beard since I was 14.

You need to watch this movie. It's a pretty awesome cult classic and satire of high school life, and lots of people believe it couldn't be made now in a post-Columbine society. Plus, it is a huge reason why Winona Ryder was totally loved by so many in the 90s.

It's obvious to me whether or not a hack is worth my time, just by reading the article titles. If the article relates to something I want or do, I read it, then decide if it's right for me.

I think one key factor that some people seem to miss is that LifeHacking can actually be enjoyable - shock horror!