
Someone must be paying a PR firm big bucks to get her comeback rolling. This attempt seems much more organized than the last 7+ times.

Seth + Summer 4eva.

Um yes, but this is a tactic some bloggers have used as well in other internet fights: It's a bad one but those who used it in the Great Pagan Debates of 2013 did need to STFU so I didn't critique the "silence yourself" tactic then... though I did know it was a completely bad and counterproductive tactic....

Just checked the hashtag and it's just a bunch of people talking about how much it doesn't make sense. You can't hashtag something, and then NOT USE THE HASHTAG. It literally makes no sense. How is it supposed to gain traction if the people supporting it have run away. Retweeted a few of the more sensical

I only heard about it today so right away there's a problem with it.

Good. I feel bad saying that, but Moffat is SO BAD at writing and directing women that I wouldn't want him touching a woman Doctor with a ten foot pole. Look at the absolute stupid bullshit he pulled with Amy, River and the incredibly forgettable Clara. They need to get rid of Moffat, STAT. The last season was so

"Simon Cowell is going to have to throw around a lot of bone$ to resolve this Andrew and Lauren Silverman baby problem"

Yesterday I'd dismissed Jack White as a emotional abuser and harasser. Now I'm beginning to think that it is just a nasty divorce fallout. People can really, really begin to hate each other because of divorce. I mean...they got divorced for a reason. JW is probably a douche, but she probably is, too.

Why (and how) do you hack life effectively? How do you ensure life hacking isn't a waste of time and actually makes your life better?

There is always room for improvement. Lifehacking is nothing more than education. Taking those hints, tricks and ideas that improve your quality of life. I've used tons of hacks written about on these sites and my life is easier now because of them.

I don't really know why someone said it was so hilarious. I mean there are a few funny moments but I would never label it a comedy. It is very much a drama with some laughs sprinkled throughout. And its great!

Wait, we hate Larry? I came out of the first season hating Piper more than Larry.

Same here! I have literally been a night owl my entire life (my Mom used to just plunk me in my crib around 11 PM and let me play until I fell asleep around one), and people seem to think that I sleep all the time, and am lazy. I sleep about 8 hours a night, I work hard...it's just at different hours! I'm in my late

Man, I could go on and on about the ways in which the world just is not compatible with me, the lowly night owl ;) I feel like it's constantly associated with laziness and being a perpetual teenager. I go to work, I get my shit done, it's fine. I'd just rather sleep 4AM-11AM than 11PM to 7AM. Everyone said I'd change

Yeah, thats hiw I feel when studies determine that early birds are happier than night owls. I'd be pretty damn happy too if the society revolved around my schedule.

That's not negative personality traits, that's revenge for being forced to get up and face the day way too early.

Erin, do you mind if I use this article to convince my insurance company to pay for my daily venti-skinny-extra hot-caramel machiatto? No? Cool. Thanks.

Fixed that.

His wife is thinking: "If I had to end up with a partner who shows his dick to the world, why couldn't it have been James Deen?"

glad to see that neck tattoo was not real.