
We're working on it. Theres a reason Harley Davidson nearly went bankrupt. 

I wish that’s how that worked. Somehow we can cancel diamonds, literally rocks, but can’t a motorcycle rally.

Bitch,bye. I’m sure we will see you soon on OAN or Newsmax or whatever non-fact based white supremacy-focused media conglomerate that will use you and your infinite pool of white privilege to spew more racist bullshit. While I don’t normally wish people cancer, I’m not going to shed a tear if she has a social media

So many of these folks would be better off if they went to therapy with this mess instead of Instagram.

Anyone who has to proclaim he is a christian isn’t really a follower of christ.

Good point, Burner. She has very little experience with athletic achievement in high-pressure situations. Hard to believe you’re in the greys.

Hey man, if I wanted to talk about something that sucks that’s rife with 90's nostalgia and has chugged along on an unearned reputation for 25 years, I’d go over to/ r/pearljam

Darn those urban areas where 80 percent of your states population resides! 

Someone should explain to him how the U.S Senate works.

Jesus Christ, Charles. These submissions are supposed to be depressing in a funny way, not straight up depressing.

I’d be chill too if I was worth $50b. What’s James Dolan and Jeanie Buss going to do to Ballmer? As rich as Dolan is Ballmer could buy him with his loose couch  money. He could buy MSG Corp and set fire to all the assets and it would have an immaterial impact to his net worth.

your fucking face is boilerplate

The only explanation is that Red Panda deserves to be higher on this list

I know a guy who posts a picture every time he and his wife leave the house and they all include the phrase “my love”. They have more marital problems than the Clintons.

Ray Ratto’s writing here is like a Maserati parked amongst a fleet of Chevy Volts.

This is exactly what I would say about this series if I could write like Ray Ratto.

Wyoming has less people than Milwaukee, WI. I’ve said it before, we should contract it, and if you want to keep the fifty stars, give its franchise to Puerto Rico.

Why do you think public transportation, and more specifically light rail, is such a difficult subject for suburbanites and even motherfuckers only 5-10 miles outside of the city? They think the “thugs” will jump on public transit, go to their nice neighborhoods, break in and steal shit, then hop back on transit and

Second paragraph sounds like my wife and I. Her grandma once said, “you can move out here (“here” being a suburb really far out with not many options available). There’s a Wal-Mart close by.”. She said these things because she thinks of her grandchild being that innocent little girl that grew up somewhat naively of

This has been a bone of contention every time the in-laws visit. I grew up with butter in a butter dish on the counter, but every time they’d visit my butter would be missing. The good news is that as of their last visit (they left last week) they left the butter dish on the counter. The bad news is they make a point