
hey millennials, can you please cancel this boomer circle jerk sometime soon? Thx, your Gen X uncle

my parents got an avalon over the genesis due to the fact the avalon can really seat 3 in the back. The genesis has a huge transmission tunnel.

mispronouncing his own last name?

similiar situation here. we have many great places nearby. we love Dominos knock off Blackjack Pizza green Chile sauce pie instead.

fair point, they are justbrodozering along and not rolling coal like they used to. If they were rolling coal, i would be target in my Chevy Bolt for sure.

i see the brodozers in Castle Rock frequently

the people of Denver support this sentiment. also take rural northern colorado, add it to Wyoming, and then contract it. 

When I saw the headline, I was looking forward to reading about what failure the former Trump Storm trooper head of department of homeland security was going through. I guess her name is Kirstjen Nielsen. oops my bad.

is the back seat big enough for my in laws to sit in and complain passive aggressively that their daughter should get in touch with that ex boyfriend they liked so much who is now a doctor? Is the car lexus quiet enough that i can heat all of this while i squeeze the hell out of the steering wheel?

Colorado Christan University is a diploma mill based out of the suburbs. They should stick to educating the next generation of bigots that will come up with ways to suppress votes and leave those of us in Denver the hell alone

There are many things to like about this fine State of Colorado, but the facts that one of senators is Gardner and the USOC is headquartered in Colorado Springs are not high on the list.

I thought the 10 people who actually live in Wyoming were called shit kickers? - Says everyone form Colorado

Just don’t do it!

seriously, I hear about how bad Socialists are all the time from the right side of the spectrum. Yet when dear leader is interfering with how a private business decides how to use its capital and resources as it seems fit, that is Capitalism. Its lunch time, I am to stupid to figure this out, just going to go eat my

Now playing

I dare to say that most people view bikers with contempt more than fear. I am confident that when most people view this scene they are cheering for the Mafia thugs to f up the bikers. The only place i ever see “tough” bikers here in colorado is cruising down Santa Fe in Douglas county, maybe taking a break in Sedalia.

they do put the stickers in the mail in ballot here in Denver. Rest of Colorado is a wild guess. 

As someone who grew up in Poway and then got the hell out and never looked back, all I got to say is I am surprised this did not happen at a school in Poway Unified. I guess Fallbrook is a place where now where there are more people than avocado groves now. Racist people it seems, which on second though makes sense

after I drop off my wife at her work I turn on the radio and listen to Schlerth and Evans for 10 minutes before I get to my office. Why you ask? by listening to that dumb shit hack I am better prepared to deal with the dumb infurating corporate hacks I have to deal with. it's like getting your kid innoculated for

I made a similiar college roommate comment last year and got some dude wanting to meet me in Temecula response. Broncos Country ranks low in the UN report of nation's that can laugh at itself

thanks Icarus8 for changing my mind on what patriosim is all about. as a dumb cucked libtard it is good to know people like yourself are out there to put me down the correct path of thought, which is to never question the world and the injustices that have always been part of it.