
Yep, sometimes you are on cruise control and just slowly catching up to the car in front of you. You move over to pass and the guy you are passing goes ahead and speeds up a little on his cruise control and it becomes a battle of the 1 mph increases.


If the boyfriend said "I don't know how bad this is going to get" there is most definitely more to the story. Still. I don't care if the Nissan spent 20 miles riding side by side with the car in front of it, brake checked the ram, or was otherwise a nuisance. Pickup driver deserves an attempted murder charge.

Attempted murder.

They dont appear to be passing but they are driving to speed with traffic so they are not being assholish in any way. No one deserved to get rammed off the road. The truck could have slown down and literally passed on the right, absolutely no idea to attempt murder (ramming someone off the road at highway speeds is

Actual creative music?!? If anything rapping is the most creative for the most part rap is expresing what’s going on in the streets. There’s a ton of commercial rappers now but that’s because corporate America is taking notice of how this uncreative music is setting trends. And before someone pipes in about rock and

I understand if you don’t like rap, many of us are not fans; but to call the genre lacking in creative drive is batshit fuckin’ bonkers. The growth and development of hip hop has played a major part in shaping music of all genres.

Go listen to Atmophere, Brother Ali, Kids these Days, etc. and get back to me. There is

Bill could be caught driving a stolen tank, high off his ass, with a drunk Malia riding shotgun and 25% of the population would call for Hillary to be convicted for the DUI.

This is a high level of pun

He gotz 99 prollems but dat houz ain’ wunn.

It's a valve knock life.

Oh wow, what a suprastar.

I thought it would be fun for my kids but after driving it myself, no way am I letting them drive it.

Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I get the sense that Trump fans aren’t going to recognize this as art/protest and simply will go “HURR DURR! LOOKIT THEM NAKED BROADS!!!”

You’re just jealous that you’ve never been in the presence of a PT Prowler.

I’d read the signs about the plants at least and try to learn something instead of just talking to look like a idiot. Watch him walk right by the signs in front of cars as he says Man I don’t know what this is but it’s baller. Lets encourage reading.

no wonder he fucking crashed

If it fits in your pocket it’s free