
Its from the GT2 race car.

Instinct: Fakebook. Guy looking for his 15 minutes of virality.

I think the most shocking part of this story is that there were TWO people in a Wal-Mart that were anti-Trump.

As one of Jalopnik’s resident former cabbies, let me just say with emphasis, “FUCK THIS GUY!”

People like this shouldn’t be allowed in public

Love his attitude. Can we donate to the prosecution?

Not sure what you’re confused about. The other candidates on both sides are not racist. That alone should be enough. You do know that saying Mexicans are rapists is racist right? It’s not telling it like it is or politically correct, it’s flat out wrong.

Is staying away from bigotry, antisemitism, and misogyny not a good jumping-off point for understanding a defining difference?

Don’t let Alissa Walker see this.


I don’t even know how to address this. Your little bubble world is fascinating.

What if we made a FWD endurance racing prototype?

For her part, Van den Driessche says the bike belonged to a friend, and mistakenly found its way into her race-day bike lineup.

NRA be like: “whelp, those good Samaritans should’ve been armed as well! Then the single father wouldn’t have been caught by surprise!”

And, guns! More guns. In the hands of shitheads like this.

If you punch a guy in a bar, and he hits his head on the way down and dies, did you really mean to kill him? This is awful but he punched him. He didn’t come after him with a knife or a bat or something.

Obama has quite a solid sense of humor. Maybe you’re thinking of the GOP.

Well, when your definition of liberal is such an absurd strawman, it makes it hard to find a party. I’m going to guess you describe yourself as a libertarian?

Except this suit is totally warranted.