
We don’t know the motive yet, but an important thing to note: There is no religion that teaches hate. Islam IS peaceful, and those who think Allah wants them to kill are just blaspheming his name. If that was the motive, then the bomber is not a true Muslim.

Gambler 500, easy.

That culvert needs to be grey. The idea of a perfect tunnel made entirely out of mud is really bugging me.

I guess it’s just a matter of opinion. Panic would be a great song, but the voice just kills that one for me. I mean, I don’t deny that the Smiths are extremely talented and influential. I’d just prefer someone else to sing for them.

No! Nothing is better than ‘80s alternative new wave, but Morrissey’s voice is just... I mean, I like “How Soon is Now,” but damn. I can’t do it.

Fun facts!

They’re LED, which always appears to be flashing when recorded, because they actually are flickering too fast for the human eye to notice, but a camera will occasionally catch a frame or two between flashes.

I was buying some wheels with tires, and said tires were two matching pairs. I said that that was fine; I could just do the pairs on the front and rear. The seller added on, “yeah, or left and right.”

What are the chances of this sort of thing happening at a different venue, specifically one further south? I’d love to make it, but I’m not sure I could do 12 hours of driving both ways just to race go karts.

Good point!

Of course, my only sibling is my 16-year-old sister, so no way, but my girlfriend’s nephew is 12... Still, I’ve heard that’s already on the way out for Legoland. It’s supposedly very, very oriented toward small children, much more so than Disney World.

I hope it’s still there when I have kids. I missed the window to really enjoy Legoland for myself, so now I have to make a baby if I ever want to go there.

Not saying you’re fully wrong, but you do need to be pretty well-off for your bank to approve that big of a loan for a car you don’t really need. Probably don’t NEED to be making six figures, but it’s definitely not going to be easy for someone earning less than 50k/yr or so.

Could also be a Corvette! Those were named for boats, after all.

I took nearly the exact same picture.

I think the problem is he was too new of a rider and hadn’t experienced that weightless feeling before. He probably (reasonably) assumed that he was already going down as soon as he could feel his gut rising into his chest, and so he was just bracing for the fall instead of trying to stick the landing. I did the same

I’ve gotten an oil change done at the shop twice before. Once, I was already having my ATF replaced and the cost of adding an oil change was lower than the cost of just buying the oil myself. The other time, the plug was on so tight that I bent a wrench trying to get it off, and I don’t yet own an impact wrench or

It’s tough to tell, but for a few frames you can clearly see a white shirt on the driver of the Lexus. Now, it may be due to shadows, but I cannot see anything above said shirt. That leads me to believe that the driver is likely someone with a dark complexion. Which, I guess, can help narrow down the search somewhat

Is that an iPhone at 3:04 in the first video?

To be fair, it’s possible the driver really did believe it was the autopilot. When I was a very new driver, I once hopped a curb by mixing up the gas and the brake, but I never once looked down to verify which pedal I was pressing. I consciously went for the brake, I pressed a pedal, and then the car shot forward. If

Still, could be a very slow pass. I’ve gotten trapped going around a car that was still accelerating, only to have it basically match my top speed while I’m still next to it. Then it’s just a matter of slowly inching by while somebody sits and waits behind me. And I’ve been the person stuck behind before, too. It’s an