
This guy better get slapped with two counts of attempted murder on top of his assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving, fleeing the scene of an accident, etc. Dude deserves at least a dozen years behind bars.

Because passing slowly is exactly the same thing as attempted murder. Yeah, go fuck yourself.

It really depends on where these spaces are, honestly. All the political buildings are constantly surrounded by tourists, and the people who actually work in those buildings shouldn’t have to waste time looking for regular street parking.

There have, objectively and scientifically, only been a few truly revolutionary music styles. Rock ‘n’ Roll, of course, kickstarted music as we know it. The British Invasion helped broaden the spectrum. New Wave introduced electronics into the mix, and then came rap and hip hop, which remains one of the

No no, there’s only one type of person who enters this thing: douchebags.

C/S vehicle vibrates at speed.

I bet he listens 2jz.

I’m willing to bet at least 10% of these are stolen, and the number is probably a lot higher. I love individual police officers, but I’m really starting to dislike the police as a whole.

I’m gonna guess you access the engine and transmission from inside, like in a mid-engine van.

If you got a chance to visit some huge museum of, let’s say, exotic plants, you’d be just as excited as he is here and, presumably, you’d make a bunch of false assumptions about things as well. And then people would laugh at you on a botany forum.

Meh, I had a driver grab my shoulder and shove me out of the way at the Petit Le Mans one year. I was looking at his car in the garage and failed to notice his teammate’s approaching on a tow truck.

“We need the air to live.”

My tire was low on air so I thought it must be a problem with the flywheel. I took out the engine and the flywheel looked okay but I’m not a mechanic so I threw it away anyway. I figured it’s better not to have broken things in my engine. Anyway by now my tire looked normal so I put the engine back in and then it

Please. They already make 53'-long vehicles with a hell of a lot more room than that.

So the guy bought the car as is. It became his, as it was, with a hardtop and coilovers. Those parts were literally stolen from it. There’s no other way to look at this. The “as-is” argument only proves the seller guilty of theft. I hope he sees jail time for this.

Makes sense, though. Communism is Left extremism. If there’s a fascist party as well, then being the Right extreme, it would endorse the rightmost candidate, almost certainly being the Republican nominee.

Nah, it’s beautifully retro. Part of why I fell in love with them.

I’d be willing to bet they’re at least partially meant as tie-down thingies for luggage.

I’m no expert, but it looks as if the helicopter went in the water.

#1 is a girl with a pixie cut, screaming and waving at me.