
Wait, is the overall top speed just 12mph? That’s the same as a standard Razor go kart, which is a hell of a lot cheaper.

Jesus, if only this came out before Georgia screwed over its electric car market... I can’t remember what the incentives were, but that would put the end cost at like $20,000 or something.

“We regret to inform you that Daallo Airlines will no longer be serving Taco Bell.”

I bet a million bucks they’re Trump supporters.

Can we, you know, stop using prison rape as a joke and acknowledge that it’s a serious problem?

I have nothing to add, but I just want to say that your logic is flawless and everyone else is letting their emotions get in the way. So don’t think everyone is disagreeing with you.

I don’t disagree with your point, but it’s kind of offensive to compare all women to frail old people...

I took my girlfriend to a car show last month and noticed her touching one of the cars. Naturally, I beat her over the head with a crowbar and stabbed her in the gut with a broken bottle.
Nahh, I just politely told her that some people get upset about that and to treat the show sort of as an art gallery. You know, the

From the boulder’s point of view, though, it kind of blows.

What’s the race track grandstand thing in Germany that was used by Hitler for speeches? For the life of me I can’t remember what it’s called, but I spent a bit of time there and it was really neat.

I’m assuming Sara wears glasses or she probably wouldn’t have come out of this with such minor injuries.


Buying VW stock once it finally hits rock bottom.

One time I fell down and got a boo boo.

Years ago, a used car dealer near me went bankrupt and sold off the rest of their cars buy-one-get-one-free.

It’s neat that these nearly identical trucks come from both sides of the 3rd brake light requirement.

Around 66,000,000 BC. Couldn’t see shit with all that dust, and the roadkill was gigantic.

A marketing stunt? Are you serious? The officials actually tried to cancel the race hours earlier, but the teams begged to keep going. It only got called off after an LMP racer hydroplaned off the straightaway and they realized it was just too risky to keep going. Even if they didn’t call the race early, Porsche still

Harms no one else? Try telling that to the grieving friends and family.

Not to discredit the crew of the Zumwalt, but doesn’t Maritime Law require them to assist anyway?