
PLM is now a straight 10 hours, they don’t stop it at 1000 miles anymore.

Petit LeMans.

Love makes you do stupid things...

what do the first two W’s stand for in WWW again?

His name has 3 fucking accents in it, do you really assume he’s an American?

This is testament to the level of intelligence of said Trans-Am fans.

I especially love that the one ragging on Obama with the creatively spelled “stimulous”.

Really? That is a terrible example of stupidity at its best. Your perceived flaw with this feature actually highlights exactly why it is not a stupid design. It serves the unforeseen purpose of preventing stupid passengers from stupidly attempting to sit in an orientation in which none of the vehicle’s safety

What the armrest? What’s the issue? Besides, that’s where a driveshaft runs and where the transaxle is.


If the aliens are smart, they'll give us more guns. It's really the only thing that ever helps. Along with praying.

Supposedly, they actually had trouble finding enough 1987 models in pristine condition in road salt happy Minnesota, even though the cars were only like 9 years old by the time the film was done.

Its so weird to see this today, since I watched Fargo in my film analysis class

Only the most hardcore of the car enthusiasts would notice that. Also, In Into the Wild, a movie set in 1990, I saw a few police Caprices from the 91’ generation and Chevy Blazers from the 92’ generation.

He didn’t randomly move up, I’m sure he saw the truck coming and tried to block him off.

Why randomly butt into a forward lane from a left turn only lane? Maybe he left the space cause he was scared that the aggresive giant white truck with spikey wheels behind him and a whitetrash whore in the front passenger seat would rear end him and he didn’t wanna hit the car in front of him?

Did you ever have an upset person try to explain why they were mad and it made no sense to you? That’s how I feel right now.

I’m surprised that the asshole driver even stopped.