
You scratch the shit out of your car as you push it up and over you, because it’s a weak ass chain link fence. You can even see the top support bar ripped out of the posts, because the car drove into it.

Maybe the chain link wasn’t fully secured to the posts?

Hmm, good point, a very slick getaway.

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

“I was advised to purchase this classic motor-vehicle as I am [looks at hand] an enth-ooze-e-ast.”

I wonder what the Virgin Mary would look like airbrushed on the hood wearing a police uniform.


How’s that even related

Please tell me you didn't just call Caitlyn Jenner a worthless fuck. I think you might be the worthless fuck

Pretty sure we are the leading nation in spoiled kids

Biggest surprise of this whole story, the kid was not American.

Hey by the way, it is NOT LEGAL IN FLORIDA. Keep up with your local laws.

That’s not how the road works, get out of the way asshole.

On a freeway/highway?? If so, you can now get a ticket for that in Indiana. Failure to yield the left (A.K.A. passing lane) to overtaking motorist. Which is fantastic.

Also feel free to remain childish about the vehicle choices of others.

Fuck the mindset that makes this front page worthy. Grow the hell up.

That we all watch NASCAR. Someone please inform the vast majority of Americans that NASCAR is NOT the only form of professional racing in the world!