
That should be a new thing. If anyone is caught doing something dumb: “Oh, Eric!”

The US-market 2nd gen Escort. It’s an unremarkable economy car from the early ‘90s. 88 horsepower and a supposed limited top speed of 100mph. (although I have broken that in mine, which is unmodified, so who knows. (and for the record, I was following a police car and didn’t know we were speeding that much until I

Everyone who disagrees with #1 has never seen one in person. It has so much fake mesh that it looks like any normal <$30,000 car.

Aww, you’re cute.

That’s not OCD.

I think you will find it’s a Panoz. But also a Nissan, I guess?

Everything else aside, the first damn car is grey, not black.

I like this. Now all he needs is a motorcycle engine in there.

Always meet at or adjacent to a police station. Always.

Intersections are rarely level for both directions. I'm guessing this implies that there's a significant bump which could cause a car to lose control.

I once had a brake cable snap on my bicycle, near the lever so it couldn't be reattached. I tied the end of it around the frame (rather crudely) and was able to stop by grabbing the cable and pulling on it. This worked well enough that I still haven't bothered fixing the thing over a year later.

Big deal; I won't race there either.

Just send him a picture of an R8 and tell him he can drive it if he figures out where it is. :D

3.) Nissan Pulsar Sportback

I'm just curious how they're going to work The Office into all of it. How do you do an Office ride? If it's anything like our version, it will be kind of fun at first, then it becomes grating and irrelevant and it goes on way longer than it should.

Reasonably Priced Roller Coaster

I'd drive one unashamedly. They're so weird that they're awesome.

Seriously, We Are Not As Shitty As You Remember

More like HOLDEN the lamps up, am I right? :I