
We have the Juke R, so why not a beefed-up Leaf R? Tesla goes to show that electric cars can kick ass, and Nissan is currently building the most popular.

"In the most simple terms possible, oversteer in when the front wheels slip while cornering and oversteer is when the rear wheels slip while cornering."

Like every other anti-texting device, it sounds good until you remember that passengers can use their phones legally and safely....

It's ugly and I'm angry. :(

I'd assume Morgan has its own team of lumberjacks.

Those books confused me. There were so many steps and all it needed to tell me was which one to trace.

That is the world's most dedicated jogger right there.

I got suspended from school shortly before my 16th birthday, for something I didn't actually do. No, seriously. Even when the actual culprit came forward, no one bothered to clear my record. Anyway, on my birthday, I went to the office to pick up my proof of attendance and whatnot, which is required here to get a

She still comes off as a beautiful woman.

3. The drive-thru is a new adventure, bring a passenger.

When I was little, my parents were shopping for a new minivan. One of the dealers gave my sister and me each a bottle of Coke, a bag of chips, and a toy car. There was also a free sno-cone cart, which was unrelated, but pretty cool. I honestly can't remember if that's where we ended up buying, but it was the only stop

One of them fell off at 1:30.

To be as fair as possible, yes, the dealer was only doing what it does, but there's no denying that they really took advantage of the poor guy. I'm sure they couldn't tell you WHY it was so easy to manipulate him, but the point is they took it way too far. I honestly wouldn't be especially ticked if they just charged

Lots of victim-blaming going on in the comments. Classy.

The weirdest part is that the driver of the car he landed on then decided that it would probably be a good idea to pull over, still with a goddamn guy on the roof.

Moments earlier, the driver of the Jeep reportedly thought to himself, "I hope that cop won't be behind me much longer."

Usually it's all in the route you choose. There aren't specific streets to follow, so each driver could end up going completely different ways.

Investigators think McGuire might have pulled over other drivers, and the AP reported he allegedly once stole a car from a courthouse and drove it to a mall.

Most punish/disqualify drivers for being too fast. If you arrive at a checkpoint quicker than the speed limits would have allowed, you're screwed.

Road rallies are 100% legal. At the moment, these guys were street racing, but officially Bullrun doesn't violate any laws.