
I couldn't agree more. All I'm saying is that his reaction at least makes sense from his point of view.

Can you blame them? Police do often ticket every racer based on reports of just one of them being an asshat. I'd be scared of the same thing if I was in that position. Of course, if no one else was around, they would be total dicks for leaving. But others DID stop to help, so why put themselves at risk of being

Do you keep yout radio off and refuse to talk to passengers, too?

That's completely avoiding the point.

Bluetooth. Cell phones are ruining drivers, but hands-free in-car implementations allow us to change gears without letting go of the wheel. (Of course, most users of this tech probably drive auto, but it's still a lot safer being able to answer calls without touching anything.)

Speaking of racing in Georgia, is there any chance you're going to one of the upcoming track days at Road Atlanta? I won't be able to afford it (actual admission is okay for a one-time experience, but I'd also need a helmet and a few repairs before I'd ever trust my car on a track) but I might show up just to watch

Ahh, I see you have chosen the lifestyle of the asshole. Have fun with that.

Lay on the horn and lurch forward. You're screwed no matter what; they're only screwed if they don't move before you hit them.

I wanted the brakes to automatically kick in and send the guy flying onto the pavement. And I know that I'm not the only one who's disappointed.

I'm sorry, but when you build a vehicle designed to travel next to small, potentially deadly (and absolutely painful) projectiles, you make the windshield out of thick plastic. Not glass.

If it's Orlove's, the photographer must have been holding the camera upside-down.

Considering this is Florida, I can only assume that the driver of the stuck car was savagely beaten to death in front of his children?

I don't think he's fumbling around to pick it up. It looks like he was just ducking down instinctively and then panicking when the instructor grabbed him. In either case he was definitely very scared and confused, and I'd be surprised if he didn't wet himself.

My first car was a Mustang and I still talk about it as if I drive it every day. I'm surprised that didn't make the cut.

Why do they always use stupid explosives? I'd rather watch it just get shot in slow motion. Every time something cool like this happens, they ruin it by just blowing everything up.

"Four-door crew cab." Nice.

You know how whenever a car plows through a building, it was a senile old lady who hit the wrong pedal? Apparently they're not the only ones who can make that mistake, as I found out when I was 17. I didn't actually hit anything but the curb, but it was still a violent impact and the front of the car caught a bit of

What are the other ten helicopters doing?

Then wear it to a bar with Harleys parked outside! :D