
Doesn't mean "No trucks." It means "Please cut your truck in half." He was only following the rules.

Did you read the video description? It's literally the second and third words.

He was technically assaulted, and definitely threatened. I don't blame him, honestly.
Plus, in context, I really think the stalker thing is pushing it. If you're driving something like that, you have to expect to be filmed. Especially if it is a test mule and he's doing it for work; that kind of overreaction is

Don't you just stroke its mane to turn it into a plane?

When I was at a dirt track last weekend, they had a "Faster Pastor Preacher Feature" thing where a bunch of preachers got to race each other. I have no clue why. But anyway, when one bumped another, the announcer said, "He'll have to ask for forgiveness for that one!"

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

You'd have to be mentally unstable to use THAT thing.

It doesn't really have any defining features, so the men don't have to be gay. They just have to be psychopaths.

That lead GIF is going to find its way into Oppo at night one of these days. I am not ashamed to admit that I might be the one posting it.

A. Herbie?

Technically I did nothing wrong. I gave him back something that belonged to him after he dropped it on the ground.

I've thrown a still-burning cigarette butt into a car before. It made it into the footwell, forcing the driver to stomp it out and ruin his carpet.

I live near there and I'm going home this weekend. I'll try to remember to keep an eye out.

Classic Mustangs are not supercars! There are a few other muscle cars toward the back, too.

Marta is fun for people watching. Just keep to yourself and act like you're used to it all, and make sure to sit in the aisle seat with your bags in the window seat next to you.

13 hour flight to Germany with a few friends. Somehow, I ended up separated from the two of them, stuck in the very middle of the plane, right behind a wall which made my monitor hard to reach, (since there was no seat in front to be looming over me) and between the least social passengers ever. Luckily, the guy

You're alive, but stress is unhealthy. You deserve an IPA. Maybe even two.

Yeah, it doesn't help that the cars are both black. If there's any damage to either one, it blends in too well. In either case, though, he's an even bigger douchebag for not stopping. Anyone reasonable would at least get out to check their own car, but this guy obviously had no intention of doing so even if he ran

I'm sure that was a major contribution, but it's hard to imagine they didn't touch at all.