
Instead of a killswitch for the rear lights, isn't it possible to cut the lights off all around and then flip on the high beams? That was always my plan if I ever seriously needed to kill the light over the license plate, but I honestly have no idea how well it would have worked.

If there is a list of airports, Atlanta is in the top five regardless what the list is about.

I'm sure the driver was cited, too? Pedestrians always have the right-of-way, even when they're crossing illegally. Sure he deserves his punishment, but the driver deserves one as well.

Where do you put your feet? On the tires?

The C pillar is a perfect match for an '03 Grand Am.

Ford Carousel. It's literally the Dodge Caravan in an earlier rejected state where it looked badass and was badass.

Ford Carousel. It's literally the Dodge Caravan in an earlier rejected state where it looked badass and was badass.

I could also do without the dumb faces. I would love it if it was literally just "Thanks" and "Sorry," and I can see how "Back off" could be good. But I don't need emoticons, especially since it looks almost like I would have no choice there.

If your car doesn't have it, worst case scenario is that you forget to turn them on and get a ticket, or make people angry on your way. You will realize it at some point. If your car does have it, the shadow of a building or a short underpass can trigger your lights, which will drive you mad.

Are the Mustang and GranTurismo also salvage cars, or are they just there?

Isn't there a pretty big chunk of MADD that wants to bring the drinking age back to 18, though? The logic is that underage drinkers tent to get the most shitfaced because of the thrill of breaking the law, or because they don't know when they'll get their next chance. So if it's made available and legal at a younger

"Look at the wobble and wiggle and slide!"

Not to generalize, but it seems that Mexico doesn't have proper safety regulations for events like this. In both this accident and that near miss a few weeks ago, the spectators were all just level with the trucks. It's really depressing to know that putting the trucks in a pit below everyone would have prevented this

He does have a point, though. If the cargo was unstable, it's better to have all the impact on the cab than alongside the whole thing. I'm not saying I disagree with you, but we don't have the whole story so it's not really fair to point fingers.

Germans use "shit" more often than any of their swear words. When I went there for a school exchange, all of the teachers said it regularly. It's basically like "darn" to them, probably since it's a foreign word and wasn't offensive when they first heard it.

I would chip in some if we could buy this collectively for Jalopnik. Not sure exactly what could be done with it, but I can't think of anyone who would love it more than us.

Ahh, yes. The FSAE cars are tiny. There's a tiny patch of pavement by the garage on campus which I always assumed was where they put their trash can. Apparently, it's actually where they park the car when they want to work on it outside.

Find your own lane... You mean drive on the shoulder? The sidewalk?

Meanwhile, PETA started a petition against unpaid hamster labor.

Sort of like how the Buick Rendezvous is a boxier, sportier car wearing an ugly disguise, which has a hole torn into it in the back just around the license plate.