
Awesome! Next order of business, though, is what the hell is it doing in the US?

A prototype, by definition, is literally an experiment. So yes, anything created just to gather information is a prototype.

Mattel makes some Hot Wheels with onboard cameras, and this isn't one. So there are two different runs in this video, and presumably a ton more.

What about that Australian pickup truck guy who tried to kill the other guy for no reason?

Way to pull a Family Guy and just blatantly rip off The Simpsons.

Wow! I'm glad to hear you were alright! That must have been absolutely horrifying, for your brother especially.

I'd rather see that than a little kid chasing his ball out into the street. That's legitimately my biggest fear as a driver. When I go through dense residential areas, I typically go slightly UNDER the speed limit as long as I don't have a clear view of all the lawns and driveways.

Oh, definitely! There aren't many car videos that go viral to the extent that those two have. Everyone and his grandma has seen them, and for good reason!

It's okay... I'm right there with you.

I WANT IT. Oh my god, this is seriously one of my favorite cars ever! Not even joking. I just love stuff with such awesome stories behind it. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Please buy it for me, Jalopnik!

I think he overestimated it, actually. He would have stopped if he thought it was even shorter. ;)

There's at least three pickups, not two. Second-to-last picture shows a third in front of the one on the right. Not that it really matters, but still.

Same place those cars came from. It's actually not too hard to see.

Stuff like this is useful now, but what will happen when the world faces the next Berlin Wall scenario? When leaving is the acceptable thing to do, how are we going to do it? We're kind of fucked.

Is this some sort of "Where are they now?" about Ray Wert?

Martin was not beating the shit out of him. There is literally no evidence of that.

Looking at these comments, it's really unsettling how many front-page commenters can just shrug off murder like this.

It looks like Stoltz was even trying to crush him against the wall there. That's kind of terrifying.

She drove off, but it shows her car being loaded onto a tow truck. Something doesn't add up.